We have a 2001 with approx 100K miles. Consumer Reports magazine indicates above average cooling system problems for that year. Anyone know what the problem is -- water pump or radiator or ? I'd just like to know what to watch for. Tnx.
Hmm. I wonder what it would be too. The PT has the 2.4L engine, which I have in a 1998 Stratus and a 2000 Cirrus. The water pump should be changed with the timing belt at 101,000 miles, as it is easier to remove when the timing belt is off. Other than that, it should just be regular flushes. There could be something specific to the radiator in the PT that makes it more prone to problems. It has not been as troublesome as my 1990 Dodge Spirit was. The temp guage was always swinging back and forth, and the headgasket blew because I did not follow the proper procedure for purging air from the system during a flush. -KM
I had to change radiator's at about 40,000 miles. Put in a cheap one off ebay and it is still fine at 100,000 miles. The fan assembly failed twice. Second replaced under part warranty. Both were cheap ebay parts. Not that hard to change out if the temperature outside is warm enough. Takes about an hour to do the fan assembly. I now change the coolant every year just to be safe. Richard