PT bumper reply from Chrysler

Discussion in 'PT Cruiser' started by TOM KAN PA, Oct 6, 2004.


    TOM KAN PA Guest

    After discovering tape markets showing up on my 2001 PT bumper and posting it
    to this group, finding out that it was common, I emailed Chrysler and got the
    following reply.
    Do you think I should remind them that Ford and GMC repainted truck hoods at no
    charge, LONG after the warranty expired.
    And the warranty didn't cover paint!

    Your recent email to DaimlerChrysler Motors Corporation was received and
    reviewed by the Customer Assistance Center regarding your PT Cruiser

    Your concerns, particularly in view of the expense and inconvenience
    involved in this issue, are understandable. However, your request for
    consideration in this matter must be declined, because the vehicle in
    question has exceeded the time or mileage limitations of the
    manufacturer's warranty at the time the expense was incurred.
    TOM KAN PA, Oct 6, 2004

    Art Guest

    I would recommend making a web site with a picture of your bumper and
    invitations to others to send in pictures of theirs for posting. That might
    get Chrysler's attention.
    Art, Oct 6, 2004
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