Problem With Power Outlet

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Neil, Mar 11, 2006.

  1. Neil

    Neil Guest

    Right, I agree. What I meant by "it makes sense that the problem is
    elsewhere besides the wiring to each outlet?" was that it probably wasn't
    the wiring *directly at* each outlet (i.e., the connection to the outlet),
    since the problem is with both outlets, but, more likely, somewhere in the
    wiring in general.

    Neil, Mar 19, 2006
  2. Neil

    TBone Guest

    Funny, you didn't mention any load test and your reported voltages were all
    within spec.
    Then perhaps you should get AAA, then your jump starts would be for free.
    How do you know that they take this downward spiral, some do and others
    Why do you put such shit batteries in your truck?
    Just because you don't understand.....
    TBone, Mar 20, 2006
  3. Neil

    TBone Guest

    And were unable to dispute it.
    LOL, it has actual facts that actually have something to do with the actual
    situation and within the same time line, completely unlike the crap you
    spewed out.
    Hahahahahahaha, and you have the nerve to talk about my powered comment.
    How could you have info more current than the merger date when it was the
    merger and the facts about it that we are talking about. Nothing after the
    fact makes a damn bit of difference because that information was not known
    when Daimler decided to buy Chrysler.
    LOL! You were wrong about the current status of the company as far as
    ownership and your comments have nothing to do with it either.
    The web site makes it clear who is in charge, Daimler. Just look where
    EVERY stockholders meeting is held. Why would that happen with a merger of
    equals, especially when according to you, most of their holdings are on US
    soil. Answer - it wouldn't.
    TBone, Mar 20, 2006
  4. Neil

    TBone Guest

    No, it was a clarification. Since the battery was load tested and
    determined to still have over 600 CCA so it is not the problem.
    TBone, Mar 20, 2006
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