Premature alternator failure 2003 T&C with 42K miles

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by marvinstockman, Dec 25, 2005.

  1. I just had my alternator fail - it got very noisy. Replaced with a new
    unit from Chrysler. Anyone else have this problem? The only thing I
    can think of, other than this was a bad unit, is that the fill for the
    windshield washer tank is directly above the alternator. I'm going to
    use a funnel to fill from now on, and be more careful.

    Marvin Stockman
    marvinstockman, Dec 25, 2005
  2. The bearings are very well sealed. Even if you sloshed washer fluid
    directly onto the alternator, you wouldn't spoil them. I think you just
    had a freak early failure.
    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 25, 2005
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