Pre-warranty-expiry checkup?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Percival P. Cassidy, Feb 27, 2005.

  1. The standard 3/36 warranty on our 300M will be expiring soon (although
    we do have the extended powertrain warranty at no extra charge), and I
    am wondering whether to try and get the car checked out before then so
    that anything I haven't noticed can be fixed under warranty. In
    Australia the motoring associations (equiv. of AAA) used to offer such a
    service, but I've never heard of this in the USA.

    IMO a dealer does not have a good incentive to look for problems,
    because Chrysler may well pay them less for a warranty repair than they
    could charge the customer for an out-of-warranty repair.


    Percival P. Cassidy, Feb 27, 2005
  2. Percival P. Cassidy

    maxpower Guest

    Honestly, most people that try to do that don't want to pay any kind of fee
    to have there car checked out before its out of warranty.They say my car is
    still under warranty and Im not paying anything.. If you were to pay for a
    30k service at the dealer, they are supposed to check the car out for you
    and perform all adjustments and if there is anything found such as oil
    leaks or worn parts that are covered under the warranty they should let you
    know. Other wise have an independent shop check it out

    My opinion only
    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Feb 27, 2005
  3. Percival P. Cassidy

    Treeline Guest

    AAA does offer something, but being AAA is not free and if it's free
    it's usually not good, unless you're being towed on a beautiful, sunny
    day. Then they are great. On a bad day? I've gotten a busy signal
    or forget about it.

    Okay ranting aside. They have a vehicle check-out or used to have one.
    Around $60. A special center, only one, located around a big city

    It's not a specific end of warranty service but a through check-out
    the whole car kind of thing. I don't know if they do it anymore and
    if they now charge more money.

    In your case, I might ask the dealer itself or another dealer, that would
    be better, if you catch my drift, perferably a dealer who likes to find
    things wrong with a car, and ask them to thorougly check out your car.
    The labor costs would be about the same as AAA's check-out I reckon.

    And you would have it in writing from a Chrysler dealer.
    And I have often read here, if it's in writing from the dealer, then you
    have a better shot at getting something fixed when you are out of warranty.

    How's that for some suggestions? Not bad, not bad at all.
    Treeline, Feb 28, 2005
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