Power steering gone on '00 T&C

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Daniel G., Aug 2, 2007.

  1. Daniel G.

    Daniel G. Guest

    Hi All,
    The power steering on my 2000 Town and Country stopped working this
    morning. The van had been running fine but all of a sudden the PS was
    gone, there were no strange noises when it occurred. Didn't get a
    chance to check the fluid yet but I thought there'd be a shrieking
    noise if it were out of fluid. Any thoughts on what else might be
    causing this?

    Can damage be caused by driving the van w/the PS like this?

    Thanks for any info!
    Daniel G., Aug 2, 2007
  2. Daniel G.

    Steve Guest

    Don't drive any further until you can verify that the BELT is still in
    place. The belt likely also turns the alternator and (on many engines)
    the water pump, so if the belt is broken you may overheat the engine
    and/or drain the battery. If its not the belt, then its a hydraulic
    problem and you can continue to drive without any immediate damage. But
    something may be damaged if you continue to drive it too long this way.
    (PS pump running dry, for example)..
    Steve, Aug 2, 2007
  3. Daniel G.

    philthy Guest

    pump bad or belt flung off
    philthy, Aug 5, 2007
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