Power Locks

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by colestu, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. colestu

    colestu Guest


    I leased a 2006 Caravan a year ago and as part of the deal I received
    a Mopar remoter starter. Imagine my suprise when I found that there
    was no button for unlocking the doors. No only that but the only way
    to unlock all the doors is to unlock one of the front doors, open it
    and push the button to unlock all.

    Every other car I've seen with power locks allows you to turn the key
    twice to unlock all the doors but the dealer states that this is not
    available on the caravan.

    I'm told that the only way to get remote entry is to rip out the
    dealer remote started and replace it with an aftermarket one.

    Can anyone out there confirm/refute this claim? This is very
    inconvenient when you have kids.
    colestu, Feb 12, 2007
  2. colestu

    Brandish Guest

    If there's no button on your remote for power locks, then I highly doubt
    you can make do much more than remote start your van, although it seems
    odd that it wouldn't at least have the option to do so. I have never
    personally worked on a Caravan that will unlock all doors with two
    turns of a key in the door, however most '04+ Caravans I have seen come
    with factory keyless built right into the ignition key itself. It might
    be worth heading back to your dealer to see if the van has the option
    for factory keyless. If it does, then it may just be a matter of
    buying yourself one of the fancy keys from them, which will probably
    run you $150-180. If it's going to cost any more than that, I'd just
    have an aftermarket remote starter installed with keyless entry.
    Shouldn't run you much more than $200.
    Brandish, Feb 12, 2007
  3. colestu

    Stu Guest

    Thanks, that's the same info I got from the dealer.

    As it is a short lease I'm unwilling to spend more money on it. This
    is my first Dodge and the other cars I've had, even without remote
    entry, allowed you to unlock all of the doors with the key in one of
    the two front doors. I can assure you this won't happen again and I'm
    still amazed that the expensive Mopar starter doesn't have it included
    and the $200 aftermarket one does.

    I appreciate the response.
    Stu, Feb 13, 2007
  4. colestu

    ponchonutty Guest

    Well you gotta remember that ANYTHING from a dealer is going to be more
    expensive than anything comparable to aftermarket. I was surprised at
    how how much the thing actually cost and what poor range it has. I've
    installed a few for Chrysler dealers and they said that they charge
    over $400 for it installed!!!! The funny thing is that the 'MOPAR'
    piece is actually made by CodeAlarm which is an aftermarket company.
    For $400 you can get a very nice remote start with over 1mile range.
    Dealers do offer a piece that does do BOTH keyless and remote start but
    they rarely sell and install it because of the complexity of the
    ponchonutty, Feb 18, 2007
  5. colestu

    philthy Guest

    avital alarms have some top of the line systems that work off the satellites and you get
    paged when your vehicle is started and moving and tracked by sat.
    and you can shut it off no matter were you are in the world. very expensive
    the best system and most reliable is the directed electronics stuff . great range and very
    dependable as long as the system is soldered in and not just but connected taped and spliced
    but that goes for them all code alarm sucs and the system they make for d.c is a pain to
    get fixed because most dealers don't back up the product
    philthy, Feb 19, 2007
  6. colestu

    ponchonutty Guest

    Well, not really. Avital isn't really all that anymore. And no, they
    don't have anything that works off of satellites. Now, on some of
    DEI's other lines they do have stuff like the Viper 210v which works
    off of cell phone technology but not satellites.

    Compustar has a a little more user friendly system called the
    Computrack. It allows the user to be able to control their car from
    any web-enabled computer. You can see where your car is at all times
    even disabling the car if you've forgotten to arm it prior to looking
    it up on the web.

    I will agree that no matter whats installed, it is dependent on the
    ponchonutty, Feb 20, 2007
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