Post for Angelo D

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by TomKan, Jul 5, 2005.

  1. TomKan

    TomKan Guest

    I can't figure out why someone posts something that they feel is in
    reason, and you get flamed for it. And it seems to happen mostly in
    this group. I recently posted that I was surprised to have taken care
    of recalls on my PT and a few months later, I'm notified that the car
    is recalled. For what? For what I just had done.
    My complaint was that there seems to be no communication between the
    dealers and the company. Wow! Did I hear about it from the group.
    I think you had/have a legitimate bictch. You spent this side of $50K
    on a car with a lot of bells and whistles, it's constantly in the
    shop, and you're supposed to drive basic transportation while making
    payments on the top of the line model.
    You know, drinking "bin" drinks and paying top shelf prices.
    If you leased a high end vehicle from a major rental agency for, say, a
    months lease, and something went wrong with it, you better believe
    they'd give you an equivalent make/model to drive or if they couldn't
    do this, they'd adjust your payment.
    Many, many years ago I was told, "You're handled with kid's glove while
    you're buying a car. Once you buy it, they don't want to see you again
    until you're ready to buy another new car."
    It's true, oh yeah, it's still true.
    TomKan, Jul 5, 2005
  2. You must be new. Welcome to Usenet. If you post something that's stupid,
    willfully ignorant, thoughtless, halfassed or otherwise substandard in an
    unmoderated group, you will get flamed -- very likely multiply flamed.
    That is the way it is. If you do not like it, seek your internet
    socialisation elsewhere.

    Usenet regulars are kind of the biker gangs of the information
    superhighway. We make a lot of noise, we crack wise and make jokes at each
    other's expense, we pounce and claw at the slightest provocation, and
    those who don't know us are probably usually offended or scared by us...

    ....but if you're broken down alongside the road, after we're done making
    fun of your ride, your clothes, your license plate and your mother, we'll
    probably help you fix it.
    Out of the -- gosh, it must be what, four total groups you've got
    experience with, then?
    You got flamed because it was a stupid and pointless complaint.

    Daniel J. Stern, Jul 6, 2005
  3. TomKan

    TomKan Guest

    I guess if the subject line of my post was:
    Post for an Asshole,
    you still would have been the first one to reply.
    TomKan, Jul 6, 2005
  4. TomKan

    Arthur Guest

    Don't lump all Usenet regulars into the category of 'biker gangs'.
    Personally, I resent that implication as I am nothing like a biker (thank
    goodness). There are many, many groups on Usenet which are made up of
    well-spoken, knowledgeable contributors who don't use foul language, flames
    or vicious attitudes.

    It is obvious to me that the owner of the $42,000 trouble-maker has more
    class than some of the people who responded to his post, but I don't think
    those people are 'biker class'......just carried away a bit with the idiotic
    macho insensitive image being a car buff seems to demand.

    Yes, I would appreciate the help of the people on this group, but also
    unprejudiced opinions as well. At least this wouldn't demonstrate a
    narrow-mindedness which would obviously color their opinions.

    By the way, when did you get coronated, King Stern?

    Arthur, Jul 8, 2005
  5. TomKan

    David Guest

    That is why he called the car a lemon countless times. then calls the
    company that made it and the employees idiots!

    No! the fact was, he had one problem. is that a lemon? No!

    He posted it seven times so as to emphasize that all 300's are lemons.

    Then the coward back peddled and disappeared. Said high ranking officials
    were helping him.

    RIGHT!!! more likely he shot off his stupid mouth at the dealership that was
    helping him and they found out his problems were from his fucking around
    with the car!
    David, Jul 8, 2005
  6. TomKan

    Arthur Guest

    When you know all this as facts, come and tell us. You are making
    unwarranted assumptions. If his accusations were indeed true, so he ranted
    for a while. Don't we all want to rant when something like this happens?
    Don't you want to know when some folks are having particular problems so you
    can learn from them?
    Prejudging a situation and not believing his retraction isn't really fair.
    Calling people liars without evidence is certainly not constructive insofar
    as this group is concerned, just because he bad-mouthed a Chrysler product,
    and a damned expensive one at that. It could have been any car.


    Arthur, Jul 8, 2005
  7. It's every bit as fair as blathering on with tens of posts about how a car
    is a "lemon" because of ONE problem which is IN PROCESS OF BEING FIXED.
    Daniel J. Stern, Jul 8, 2005
  8. See, that's the nice thing about Usenet. If you don't like what a
    particular poster has to say, you don't have to read his posts.
    Jolly good. You use what's "obvious" to you to guide your Usenet reading
    habits, and everybody'll be happy.
    The people on this group who tend to be helpful also -- with a couple
    exceptions -- tend to have short patience for halfassed or stupid
    There is no such thing as an unprejudiced opinion.
    Late December back in '63.

    Daniel J. Stern, Jul 8, 2005
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