Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by bytor, Feb 16, 2004.

  1. bytor

    Bob Shuman Guest


    You need to look at the terms and conditions that were documented in the
    warranty statement. If you are still within the mileage and time
    requirements, then they should make good. I'd start at the dealer since
    they did the work and have the most to lose (a future sale). They should be
    willing to take up the issue with Chrysler for you. If not, then ask them
    why and get the number to call yourself.

    I'm glad that they are covering the majority, but something still does not
    sound quite right. Why won't they cover the full repair if that is what the
    warranty stated? Also, from your post, it sounds like the transmission
    again needed to be rebuilt/replaced. What was the rot cause of the failure
    that they provided?

    Good luck.

    Bob Shuman, Feb 18, 2004
  2. bytor

    David Allen Guest

    When I replaced the tranny in my '96 G. Caravan a couple of months ago the
    tranny shop told me that the remans he buys come from a remanufacturer in
    Los Angeles (I'm in San Diego) and that the local dealers get them from the
    same place. He also said that these remans aren't all the same. The more
    expensive ones are remanufactured using more stringent specifications AND
    that the local dealers don't buy those, but buy the cheaper ones.
    David Allen, Feb 19, 2004
  3. bytor

    RPhillips47 Guest

    How am I having an affair with my vehicle? How am I taking things personally?
    Silly you is right - verrrrrrrrrry silly! Sorry for stating the term "POS"
    should apply to you. I evidently gave you more credit than I should have.
    RPhillips47, Feb 19, 2004
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