Plymouth Breeze 1999 Speed Sensor

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Arleen, Jun 19, 2005.

  1. Arleen

    Arleen Guest

    Automatic 3.0 engine. With no warning, as I was driving I noticed the
    car sounded as if it was not auto shifting while in D drive. The
    speedometer not working, rpms over 4000, check engine light on.

    According to these symptoms...could it be the Speed Sensor? I have a
    chilton's book however it ends with 98 models. I need a better
    understanding to how to fix it, a diagram or map of sorts to know what
    I am looking for here. I've looked on the www not able to find anything
    to help on this subject. I just want to fix the ugly and see into
    trading it in for a REAL car.

    I need to be on the road before work on Monday. Thank you.
    Arleen, Jun 19, 2005
  2. Errr....that'll be a 2.0 or a 2.4, but not a 3.0.
    The output speed sensor, yes, very likely.
    ....and is just as useless for the models it covers as it is for the models
    it doesn't.
    Unscrew old output speed sensor
    Screw-in new output speed sensor

    Someone else is going to have to paint you a picture; all my manuals are
    at the office.
    Daniel J. Stern, Jun 19, 2005
  3. Arleen

    Arleen Guest

    It is 2.4...ooopsie doodle.

    Thank you very much for your response.
    Arleen, Jun 19, 2005
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