Ply Voyg LE Trans problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Thomas L. Bates, Nov 8, 2003.

  1. When cold the van takes off right away when in D. Then you stop and it
    hesitates before engaging and does this until things warm up and then it
    does not seem to re-appear.

    Garage says the trans is kaput and needs replacing and does not
    recommend rebuild as they say you then have old and new mixed parts,
    etc., and something could fail right away again. They recommend new.

    A buddy says he had this problem and put in some additive, the name of
    which he doesn't remember, and it totally cured the problem, along with
    a change of fluid before adding the stuff. He doesn't remember the name.
    So, I went to store and there was a product called "Lucas" transmission
    additive that claims to cure these ills but store guy said he'd heard of
    it wrecking transmissions. Store mgr said that didn't happen.

    So, time to stand on everyone's shoulders. What's the story. The Van has
    80,000+ and body is in great shape. The only other problem is the ABS
    system which needs a new pump. The engine burns little or no oil.

    Thomas L. Bates, Nov 8, 2003
  2. We need more information on your vehicle. Which transmission do you have,
    the 3-speed or the 4-speed? If you're not sure, look at the gear indicator
    quadrant on the dashboard. If it says "P RND21", it's the 3-speed. If it
    says "P RND3L", it's the 4-speed. Also, what engine do you have? Also,
    what year is the van? Also, how many miles or KM are on it?
    This is horseshit. Regardless of whether you have the 3- or the 4-speed
    auto, the transmission is *fully* rebuildable. What the garage is telling
    you is that they do not know how to properly diagnose and repair your
    particular problem, so they'd rather soak you for a whole lotta cash to
    replace your entire transmission with what is almost certain to be not a
    "new" transmission but a factory remanufactured one. Remanufactured
    transmissions are notorious for being substantially inferior to bench
    *rebuilt* units. But it's in no way certain that your transmission is
    "kaput". It may need only a minor repair and adjustment. Suggest you get
    the van without delay to a reputable INDEPENDENT (no SCAAMCO type
    franchise houses, please) transmission mechanic who will do proper
    diagnosis, find the problem, and advise on the extent of repairs needed.
    It did no such thing. It *masked the symptom* and , meanwhile the
    underlying cause was not addressed and though the symptom was no longer
    present, damage was continuing to worsen. Please do not add anything to
    your transmission except the correct type of fluid.

    Daniel J Stern, Nov 8, 2003
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