Please Do Not Walk Into A Supermarket Until You Read This!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mirnaskidell, Dec 27, 2004.

  1. mirnaskidell

    mirnaskidell Guest

    If you are looking to slash all your expenses by 75% then you found
    the right place! This is how the television show began. The company
    has a website at I thought it was very
    interesting and decided to check it out. I am very skeptical by
    nature so the first thing I did was check out the company. I
    contacted the Better Business Bureau and found that the company has
    had no complaints lodged against them, I also contacted Paypal who
    has verified this company. They told me that they verified the
    company's licenses, bank accounts and other paperwork indicating to
    them that the company is legitimate. Then I started asking co-
    workers and friends about this program and to my surprise 6 out of
    the 10 people that I spoke with were already using this program.
    They told me how pleased they were with it and how much money they
    had saved and are currently saving. So I decided to sign up for this
    program on 11/20/04. On 11/27/04 I received my complete membership
    package and the fun began. Using their program and the free lifetime
    membership that it includes I went to the supermarket ready to make
    a killing. The cashier rang up my grocery bill and it came out to
    $239.87 then I presented her with the coupons I received from this
    program and I saved $223.38 - my final bill was only 16.49! The
    cashier wasn't the only one shocked! I then joined their restaurant
    gift certificate program and in less than 1 month I have earned $90
    bucks in free restaurant money!
    mirnaskidell, Dec 27, 2004
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