Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by L.G.R., Nov 29, 2007.

  1. L.G.R.

    L.G.R. Guest

    Hi all.
    Why is it that the PCM does not communicate with the transmission nor the
    ABS and also not with an other one wich I dont remember. Aparently that's
    the cause why the cluster is not fonctioning, as I have tried an other one
    and nothing doing.
    I am just comming out of a garage where I have been 3 hours doing all the
    possibles tests and searching, and they coul'nd fix it. So they sais that it
    is the PCM that is défect. But it has been changed 4 months ago at a
    Chrysler dealer.
    Any suggestions? Thanks

    L.G.R., Nov 29, 2007
  2. L.G.R.

    Bill Putney Guest

    Which vehicle/year? Is this a pci bus problem (that's the single-wire
    bus over which all the modules communicate with each other)? The other
    module is probably the BCM. Air bag module too. ATC module too if it
    has that. The pci bus is generated by the BCM. Any one of the other
    modules could develop a fault that could drag down that bus (or the BCM
    itself could have the bus-killing fault), and without some good
    troubleshooting techniques, it would be hard to know which module was
    the culprit.

    Does the cluster show "no bus" in the odometer window? I'm out on a
    limb here not really knowing which vehicle, but making some guesses.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Nov 30, 2007
  3. L.G.R.

    L.G.R. Guest


    Thank you for answering.
    The car is a 98 Voyager Expresso

    Is this a pci bus problem (that's the single-wire
    The BCM also have been changed for a new one 4 months ago along with the
    PCM. Cost me 1700$ for both (wich I regret). But aparently you cannot change
    the PCM without changing the BCM also as they have to be programed both for
    the car.

    Air bag module too.

    In the steering? Have been repared at the same time under company recall.
    (The famous spring for the horn, the air bag and the cruise.)

    ATC module too if it
    That is still fresh in my memory what the mechanic told me but it is like
    chinese for me.
    Have a good day.
    L.G.R., Nov 30, 2007
  4. L.G.R.

    maxpower Guest

    Now that we know year make and model, check the connectors directly under
    the battery tray to see if they are all corroded. That is a common problem
    if the battery has been leaking acid.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Nov 30, 2007
  5. L.G.R.

    philthy Guest

    just because you replace a pcm does not mean you also need to replace the bcm
    what a line of crap the dealer fed you esp. if the parts are new now if it was
    a used pcm set up for skim and your ride did not have skim then the bcm would be
    the bus system you have is a 2 wire bus
    philthy, Dec 1, 2007
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