Parts to repair starter motor contacts?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Whoever, Jan 13, 2006.

  1. Whoever

    Whoever Guest

    Where does one buy the parts needed to replace the starter motor contacts
    in a '97 Voyager?

    My second starter has started clicking sometimes, instead of starting the

    Or could this just be a low battery (the vehicle had been parked for 3
    Whoever, Jan 13, 2006
  2. Daniel J. Stern, Jan 13, 2006
  3. Whoever

    Dave Guest

    Dave, Jan 13, 2006
  4. Whoever

    davemcc Guest

    Not sure if this will be useful, but IF your starter is similar to mine
    in a 1990 3.3 litre van (also like Toyota, etc), you can take the
    solenoid apart and carefully file down the copper contacts and the
    copper on the plunger thing (it must have a better name than that...)
    all of which will be pitted and worn and that will help. If you want a
    more permanent fix, take the contacts out of the solenoid and silver
    solder over the surface, and then file them down nice and neat.
    They'll last a long time then, silver being harder than copper.

    davemcc, Jan 13, 2006
  5. Whoever

    Islander Guest

    I just finished doing this.. our local parts store had the contacts in
    stock.... my total cost was 70 cents. Far better price than the local
    garage with.. "ya gotta get a new starter"

    Islander, Jan 14, 2006
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