Part time DIY course?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Phil Breau, Oct 31, 2003.

  1. Phil Breau

    Phil Breau Guest

    Is ther a part time course for automechanics. Preferrably in the evening.
    Toronto area

    Phil Breau, Oct 31, 2003
  2. I teach these type of classes but they are for UAW Chrysler Assembly
    Plant employees only, living in the St. Louis area. We have had these
    classes for about 17 years. I enjoy doing it. We have a hoist and
    tools and access to whatever info is need to do the work. They even
    get to work on their own vehicles.
    I don't know of any place else that does this for 'civilians'. It is
    part of Chrysler commitment to their employees (PER CONTRACT) for
    personal enhansement classes. Other UAW plants also have this
    program, but the Auto mechanic part of it is not as widespread.
    Good Luck
    Richard Benner Jr, Oct 31, 2003
  3. Phil Breau

    Geoff Guest

    Check with the local community college. Mine has a pretty extensive
    program, and a shop that rivals any I've ever been in at a dealership. I'm
    taking an engine rebuilding course one night a week, and there are other
    night auto tech classes offered as well.

    Geoff, Oct 31, 2003
  4. Phil Breau

    Bill 2 Guest

    Around here the community collage trains for various dealer certifications.
    As such car companies are quite generous in equipment and vehicles. They may
    or may not have a not for credit DIY course.
    Bill 2, Nov 1, 2003
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