over heating

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by hector, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. hector

    hector Guest

    ok here is the problem i have a 02 pt cruiser that is over heating i
    replaced the termostat and the flushed the radiator and it still over
    heats after letting it sit for a while i noticed that the fan doesnt
    turn on i was told that it could be the relay or the fan sensor. can
    anyone tell me how to find both of them and how to check if they are

    last time i posted here i got really good response and step by step
    intructions tahnks for all your help
    you guys rock
    hector, Jan 12, 2007
  2. hector

    philthy Guest

    if the fans come after the engine hits 229 degrees. there is a good
    chance you need head gasket work esp. if the raditor has been replaced a
    few times
    philthy, Jan 14, 2007
  3. hector

    maxpower Guest

    If the vehicle only overheats in stop and go traffic or at slow speed
    driving you have a fan issue. Turn the A/C on and see if the fan turns on as
    soon as you hit the button, if it doesn't more then likely the fan motor is
    bad. This fan module is designed to turn on with the a/c immediately and
    then the second phase of the fan will turn on at 219 degrees and shuts off
    at 210 degrees at idle

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Jan 14, 2007
  4. hector

    hector Guest

    ok the fan does come on when i turn the a/c on so what could it be and
    what can i do to fix the problem
    hector, Jan 16, 2007
  5. hector

    Bob Shuman Guest

    The obvious choices are a bad fan relay, or a bad coolant temperature
    sensor. A less obvious possibility is the control module or wiring between
    them. Does the fan go on if you remove the connector from the CTS? If not,
    then I'd replace the relay. If it does, then I would try to he CTS. Both
    are easy and fairly cheap to replace.

    Bob Shuman, Jan 16, 2007
  6. hector

    hector Guest

    ok i replaced both relays low and high speed one s and now the fan
    comes on when ever it want to is there web site or where is the cts at
    thats my next option on this car. thanks for your help bob
    hector, Jan 21, 2007
  7. hector

    hector Guest

    ok i replaced both relays low and high speed one s and now the fan
    comes on when ever it want to is there web site or where is the cts at
    thats my next option on this car. thanks for your help bob
    hector, Jan 21, 2007
  8. hector

    hector Guest

    ok i replaced both relays low and high speed one s and now the fan
    comes on when ever it want to is there web site or where is the cts at
    thats my next option on this car. thanks for your help bob
    hector, Jan 21, 2007
  9. hector

    kmatheson Guest

    When you turn on the A/C, and the fan comes on, does the engine
    temp cool down, or remain hot?

    kmatheson, Jan 22, 2007
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