OT Court lets Automaker sue Consumer Reports

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jennifer K, Nov 5, 2003.

  1. Jennifer K

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    If you look at the picture in CR, you'd see it actually tipped until the
    outriggers were touching the pavement.
    See Consumer Reports. Ward is a shill for Suzuki.
    Lloyd Parker, Nov 21, 2003
  2. Jennifer K

    Greg Guest

    Sounds like you for CR. :)
    Greg, Nov 22, 2003
  3. Jennifer K

    Art Begun Guest

    The hubcap would have smashed thru the windshield for sure.

    The Avalon has high speed traction control and stabilizing control. I
    believe it did most of the work keeping the car under control. My
    wife was impressed with my driving but I told her the secret.
    Art Begun, Nov 22, 2003
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