Obama at the auto buffet

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by agm, May 20, 2009.

  1. agm

    agm Guest

    Wall Street Journal

    ...So far, the Obama administration has yet to lay out its
    magical thinking on how the homegrown auto makers are to
    become "viable" when required to subordinate every auto
    attribute that consumers find desirable in favor of
    achieving a passenger-car average of 39 miles per gallon by
    2016. Nonetheless the answer has quietly seeped out:
    Taxpayers will write $5,000 or $7,000 rebate checks to
    other taxpayers to bribe them to buy hybrids and plug-ins
    at a price that lets Detroit claim it's earning a "profit"
    on its Obamamobiles.

    agm, May 20, 2009
  2. agm

    Dioclese Guest

    Lemme get this straight now, including the carbon tax bill as well. We're
    gonna bribe consumers to buy plug-in autos. They consume electricity from a
    coal powered plant to re-charge these plug-in autos. The electric company
    bills that consumer additionally for the carbon released by the electrical
    generating plant. The electric company sends that to the U.S. Treasury for
    Congress to squander for earmarks so they can get re-elected. If
    wind-generated electricity, most likely, GE will benefit and send more lobby
    money directly to support the same re-election. Sounds like a win-win
    situation to me.

    Where's Nancy today? She wasn't at the signing of the 2 bills signed today
    by Woebama.

    Hope Ford sticks to building cars only instead of getting involved with all
    this political crap.
    Dioclese, May 20, 2009
  3. agm

    Canuck57 Guest

    Obama will have to subsidize Obamobiles. And you can have any color you
    want so long as it is black.

    I almost started to like Obama. Problem now is he has turned into a facist.
    Yes, facist. If you are not filthy rich or a whinner UAW he doesn't gve a
    rats ass about you. He will just charge every middle class taxpayer via the
    tax system. Enslaving americans to banks, governemtn and corrupt auto.

    Looks like financial liberty in the USA is taking a nose dive.
    Canuck57, May 21, 2009
  4. agm

    Canuck57 Guest

    If they do, and tackle the UAW/CAW issues, they just might make it. But if
    GM is bailed out, I figure Ford will fail and here is why.

    By subsidising one, all the others will find it tougher. Companies unable
    to compete with Government Motors will in turn lay off the workers GM would
    have other wise laid off.

    See, the fucking idiots can't understand the volume of cars needed in the
    market place is a whole lot less. Not one damn thing they are doing is
    going to creat a market. In fact it will in the long term make it worse.
    All the corruption is going on the credit card, will eventually be reflected
    back to taxpayers in higher taxes. When it does, people will have yet
    another hit on disposable income to buy autos with.

    But if GM & Chrysler go down the toilet, the market will normalize as the
    customer base redistributes itself to the remaining north american builders
    (Honda, Toyota, Ford, Nissan, BMW, Zenn and others). In fact these
    comapnies might hire people, sell more cars at a reasonable price without
    the taxpayer blood sucking.
    Canuck57, May 21, 2009
  5. agm

    labatyd Guest

    We can hope. I come from an agricutural region. Many years ago the gov't got
    heavy involved with grain production, paying farmers not to grow crops
    because of over supply and poor prices. One gentleman I know did not sign
    on. He belief was to grow crops when you can because nature doesn't always
    cooperate. He had so much production that season, one of the best in years
    that storage was a problem while his neighbors grew nothing. A year later
    the world's markets changed. Sure enough. He was able to live the easy life
    and retire comfortably shortly after.

    The lesson:

    When gov't says do this, do the opposite. The idiots we elect have no clue.

    labatyd, May 21, 2009
  6. agm

    Canuck57 Guest

    Isn't that the truth.

    I for one will let others beta test the Obamamamaobile.
    Canuck57, May 21, 2009
  7. agm

    Bill Putney Guest

    There's more to that cozy relationship. Think about who owns much of
    the mainstream media outlets that pimp for Obama. It's all starting to
    fit now. Whatever happened to the "getting in bed with mean and nasty
    big corporations is evil" Democrats?
    Bill Putney, May 21, 2009
  8. agm

    News Guest

    Pimp? Pimp you say?

    You must mean Faux Snooze, Premiere Radio/Clear Channel, et al.

    Murdoch, Bain, et al
    News, May 21, 2009
  9. agm

    Bill Putney Guest

    No GE doesn't own them,a nd they don't pimp for Obama. Read what I
    wrote. It is clear that GE is getting *very* special treatment from
    Obama in all the financial dealings and future "plans".
    Bill Putney, May 21, 2009
  10. agm

    News Guest

    Yeah, right. Reads like "Putney on Pimping". A core competency?

    In which case you need to include Faux Snooze, Premiere Radio/Clear
    Channel, et al. Murdoch, Bain, et al.
    News, May 21, 2009
  11. agm

    Canuck57 Guest

    Yep, Immelt be Harvard. Like Bush, Wagoner, Obama and others. THe Harvard
    connection, bilking taxpayers is their new motto.
    Canuck57, May 21, 2009
  12. agm

    Canuck57 Guest

    The Obama fantasy. Government Motors. Oba-mama-mobile. Comes in any color
    so long as you pay lots of taxes to service the debt.

    I suspect the economy is in for another down turn....
    Canuck57, May 22, 2009
  13. agm

    Kruse Guest

    No, no, no, no,no NO!
    Didn't you hear his campaign speeches? He is going to BANKRUPT coal
    powered plants. Of course he didn't think about and nobody told him
    that the power needed for the government buildings in D.C. are from
    coal plants. Nevermind.
    What you should have said is that you get your electricity from a
    solar cell or a wind turbine. What happens when it's 100 degrees in
    the summer when there's no wind, on a cloudy day?
    Well, you buy it from China, of course! From THEIR gross polluting
    coal generators.
    Okay, carry on.
    P.S. I noticed this is cross-posted to the rec.autos.makers chrysler
    newsgroup. When you gonna change your newsgroup name to
    Kruse, May 22, 2009
  14. agm

    Dioclese Guest

    Some are redefining their opinions about their "fascism" to be actually of
    the old Progressive Party philosophy. That is even more horrific. Research
    "New World Order" in reference to the Progressive Party.

    I don't trust any of them, Dems or GOPers. The Tea Partiers are getting
    sucked in by Republicans. We need a new party with real people, not
    professional politicians. Glenn Beck turned me off today while interviewing
    a former CIA official that said both Woebama and Chaney have no interest in
    the country's welfare regarding their rendetions of a certain holding
    facility in Cuba. He basically told him goodbye after that comment. I was
    interested in this guy's opiniion and why. I don't have an agenda, but,
    apparently Glenn does. One that he's not being up front about. I no longer
    have a warm fuzzy about Glenn...
    Dioclese, May 22, 2009
  15. agm

    Dioclese Guest

    Sounds plausible, and like we have no choice. That is not the case though.
    The consumer (us) does not have to purchase automobiles from companies
    financed with TARP monies, and politically modified bankruptcies. The
    scenario you presented is predicated by GM gaining the vast majority of the
    consumers before the other car company makers fail. That just may not
    happen as many people want the "good" guys to win, as Americans are living
    that way now.
    Dioclese, May 22, 2009
  16. agm

    Dioclese Guest

    No, no, no, no,no NO!
    Didn't you hear his campaign speeches? He is going to BANKRUPT coal
    powered plants. Of course he didn't think about and nobody told him
    that the power needed for the government buildings in D.C. are from
    coal plants. Nevermind.
    What you should have said is that you get your electricity from a
    solar cell or a wind turbine. What happens when it's 100 degrees in
    the summer when there's no wind, on a cloudy day?
    Well, you buy it from China, of course! From THEIR gross polluting
    coal generators.
    Okay, carry on.
    P.S. I noticed this is cross-posted to the rec.autos.makers chrysler
    newsgroup. When you gonna change your newsgroup name to


    Its cross-posted to the chrysler newsgroup, but went no place but the ford
    group. My news server (non-http, genuine news server) doesn't carry the
    chrysler group. See "usenet" for clarification about a news server vs.
    http. Yes, I understand the humor your were attempting to project.
    Dioclese, May 22, 2009
  17. agm

    Canuck57 Guest

    How would you like to be in a successful business, along comes the
    government subsidizing your competition which saturates the market with
    excess product causing price errosion? Then you lay people off....but does
    not hit the news because you you don't have enough of the right rich people
    as creditors.

    The auto jobs are lost, just the big shots with taxpayer financed massive
    debt are playing the musical chairs game trying to stick the taxpayer... and
    the taxpayer shouldn't even be playing.

    Lets see how Obama justifies this. Massive unparalleled corruption if GM is
    bailed while blood sucking present and future taxpayers.
    Canuck57, May 22, 2009
  18. agm

    Bill Putney Guest

    I just heard a story on the radio that Obama agreed to help the United
    Arab Emirates with their nuclear power.

    Think about this: We are helping *them* become oil independent with
    technology that our idiots won't let us use, so that in the future we
    are going to be forced to buy their oil when we haven't been allowed to
    add nuclear plants or drill our own oil.

    After a little Googling - yep - here it is:

    "President Barack Obama agreed Wednesday to share US nuclear power
    technology with the oil-rich United Arab Emirates, giving his consent to
    a deal signed in the final days of George W. Bush's administration.

    "The pact now goes to Congress, which will have 90 days to amend or
    reject it.

    "The agreement creates a legal framework for the US to transfer
    sensitive nuclear items to the United Arab Emirates, a federation of
    seven Middle Eastern states that wants nuclear power to satisfy growing
    demand for electricity.

    "Although flush with oil, the emirates imports 60 percent of the natural
    gas they use to generate electricity. The United Arab Emerates wants to
    break its dependence on outside sources for its energy needs and settled
    on nuclear power as the best option."

    From this article
    "The United Arab Emirates no longer wants to depend on outside sources
    for its energy needs and settled on nuclear power as the most economical
    and environmentally friendly option."

    How about letting us add more nuclear power and drill our own oil!
    Bill Putney, May 22, 2009
  19. agm

    Tom Guest

    no, you got it wrong too.
    he is going to bankrupt the U.S.A.

    No, no, no, no,no NO!
    Didn't you hear his campaign speeches? He is going to BANKRUPT coal
    powered plants. ?
    Tom, May 22, 2009
  20. agm

    News Guest

    Sure, vote Palin. Again.
    News, May 22, 2009
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