O/T Help Defend a Marine

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by randy1128, Nov 21, 2004.

  1. randy1128

    randy1128 Guest

    randy1128, Nov 21, 2004
  2. "It is my opinion that NOTHING should happen to this American Marine"

    And it is my opinion that this is none of your business. The military has a
    procedure for investigating
    these kinds of cases. If you are so fired up about it I suggest you visit
    your local Marine recruting
    office and sign up.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Nov 21, 2004
  3. randy1128

    Arthur Guest

    In my opinion, I think the Marine should be commended for 'getting the job
    done', but cautioned about checking the whereabouts of those embedded
    journalists before taking action of this type. I also think they should
    turf the jerk who destributed the pictures to Al-Jazeera and elsewhere, out
    on his ass.
    Arthur, Nov 21, 2004
  4. randy1128

    Geoff Guest

    Horse patootie, Ted. This was national news, and so it's no longer a matter
    that should be left to the Marines. Your buddies in the media made sure it
    went that way by publicizing the hell out of it, making this poor SOB out to
    be this year's version of Lt. Calley at My Lai. As a result, everyone is
    entitled to have and express an opinion on the subject. Mine was expressed
    when I signed the petitition.

    As to whether or not the OP should sign up for the Marines, here's a thought
    for you: since you and your liberal friends think that taxes should be
    higher, I think folks of your political persuasion should be the first to
    start sending more in voluntarily. Do you like it when this type of logic
    is applied to your own situation, Ted? I don't think you will.

    Geoff, Nov 23, 2004
  5. Bullshit. Your taking your marching orders from Dr. Josef Goebbels again.
    "repeat a lie until it becomes "the truth."

    Your ultra conservative crackpot friends have been repeating the "taxes
    lie because you don't want to think.

    As for the Marine in question, the US went in to restore the rule of law,
    of might. At least that is what the current administration says. If the
    cannot follow it's own laws regarding combat behavior and run this through
    the usual channels, they are no better than the dictator that was thrown
    Fortunately, for now at least, they know this. Too bad you don't.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Nov 25, 2004
  6. randy1128

    Geoff Guest

    Aw, gee, Ted, we're only a few posts in and you're already augering into the
    ground with a Nazi reference. How disappointing.
    Lower my taxes. Lower everyone's. Eliminate the nanny government. Deficit
    problem over.
    Got news for you, Ted: in wars people die and stuff gets broken. Get over

    Geoff, Nov 26, 2004
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