not in backwards

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by gerry cochrane, Apr 15, 2006.

  1. I've removed the thermostat completely,because it overheated with the new
    one in it.It was in correctly.
    From: "maxpower" <>
    Subject: Re: 97 intrepid overheats
    Date: Saturday, April 15, 2006 8:45 AM

    Is the thermostat in backwards?
    gerry cochrane, Apr 15, 2006
  2. gerry cochrane

    philthy Guest

    bad reservoir cap???

    philthy, Apr 15, 2006
  3. gerry cochrane

    Art Guest

    Did the problem exist before you flushed it? What happened first?
    Art, Apr 15, 2006
  4. Just a tip I found with a '96 T&C:

    I thought I had tested and replaced everything but when I looked very
    closely at the radiator when it was running hot I found a very small
    leak. It dripped a tiny bit at high temperature only and it evaporated
    after dripping down the radiator about 5 inches. It was extremely small.

    I first used some of that radiator stop leak stuff and sure enough the
    leak went away and it stopped overheating for a while. Everyone here
    advised against the stuff but it worked for a temp fix. The leak came
    back again after a few months and it would overheat again.

    I replaced the radiator this time, it was about $300 installed. They
    flushed the system and refilled everything and I haven't had a leak or
    overheat in months.

    I was surprised how such a small leak could cause this problem, but it
    all has to do with keeping the system pressurized. Water that isn't
    under pressure boils at a lower temp so everything boils out until the
    system has no water and then the engine temp gets too high.

    Sucks, but that is how my saga ended.
    Just Me (remove, Apr 19, 2006
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