Normal PT Cruiser Engine Temp?

Discussion in 'PT Cruiser' started by sceptimus_smith, Mar 8, 2006.

  1. For the Cruiser owners, where does your engine temp guage needle
    typically sit during normal driving? I recently bought an '03 GT Turbo
    and noticed the engine temp guage needle always hits a tiny hair below
    mid-point. This is with a/c on or off, highway or in-town driving. Is
    that about par for the course? Do the turbo's run a little hotter?
    Previous cars I've owned have always operated with the temp needle well
    below mid-point.

    sceptimus_smith, Mar 8, 2006
  2. sceptimus_smith

    Guest Guest

    My '01's gauge reads about the same.
    Guest, Mar 8, 2006
  3. sceptimus_smith

    MikeSo Guest

    My '03 GT is the same as you describe. Rock solid, right down the middle of
    the gauge.
    MikeSo, Mar 8, 2006
  4. sceptimus_smith

    RT10 Guest

    I'm in the same range as you are. According to the manual, they do run a
    little hotter and there is even a procedure for cooling-down after hard
    driving... Intercooler on the turbo keep the engine temp under control.
    But, heavy (lead foot) driving could raise it up. You might want to be
    aware of that...
    RT10, Mar 8, 2006
  5. sceptimus_smith

    pottsy Guest

    had '01, '03 and got '05, all sat bang in the middle whether idling in
    traffic, towing a caravan or being thrashed, the guage never moved.
    Either very good control of the cooling system or the needle's stuck!! :)

    pottsy, Mar 8, 2006
  6. sceptimus_smith

    Carl Keehn Guest

    That seems to be the way that all PT Cruiser temperature controls work. I'm
    not sure that they are truly analog. My 2002s go to midpoint and stays
    there. When the PT first came out there was speculation that the
    temperature circuit was set up so that as long as the temperature remained
    within the accepted range, the needle remains at about midpoint. Mine is
    the same, Winter or Summer.
    Carl Keehn, Mar 8, 2006
  7. sceptimus_smith

    Punch Guest

    yes this is normal operation...
    Punch, Mar 8, 2006
  8. sceptimus_smith

    Sean&Heather Guest

    middle of the road is very normal for PTs. mine never moves from that spot .
    takes about 10 mine to warm up and purrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
    Sean&Heather, Mar 9, 2006
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