Nomen nescio

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Daniel Armstrong, Dec 5, 2005.

  1. I am new to the group(1 week) so I need to ask the question who is this
    troll and how long has he been posting to this newsgroup? Also why does he
    almost never reply to his own posts when others ask him a question. My
    response to his latest troll post would be auto trannies pull at all times
    when in gear to help keep your car from rolling if you are on a hill during
    the time between you release the brake and apply the gas. If you have a
    problem with it doing that simply do what I do: shift to neutral or park
    when you are sitting still.

    BTW if I ever start to do anything trollish please let me know because I do
    not want to offend anyone.
    Daniel Armstrong, Dec 5, 2005
  2. Kenneth Wayne Mitchell is who he is. Here's some more info about him.
    he got tired of bothering Masons and now fancies himself a car mechanic.
    Actually he does reply. I've got a number of replies from him in the
    group over the years. But he never replies to a question. The only time
    he replies is if someone carefully takes apart his suppositions and shows
    point blank that he's factually wrong.

    If you read his posts carefully you will discover that just about all of the
    posting he does nowadays is completely opinionated, on preference type
    stuff. This is deliberate, he has learned over the years to stay away from
    topics that can be factually proven one way or another.

    For example, he dislikes timing belts and every once in a while rails
    against them. Now, there is no factual basis to say that a timing belt
    is better than a timing chain or vis-versa. We all know that the automakers
    use timing belts to save money. And we all know that timing chains can
    and do wear out and slip teeth on occasion. So, this topic is one of those
    you can argue over forever and neither side is ever really "right" Thus it
    is prime troll material for Kenneth.

    By contrast, take insurance info. That is different - you can call a state
    insurance division and get specific answers to a question. Thus, there
    is "right" advice and "wrong" advice. Kenneth has on occasion ventured
    into this territory, posting material that is easily provable to be
    wrong. Thus, he avoids these kinds of topics.
    You would be wrong, I am afraid. Auto trannies pull because it is cheaper
    to design a transmission to not try to shift into Neutral when you have
    stopped in traffic, then shift back into first gear when you start going,
    because there's fewer parts to just design it so that when it's in Drive it
    shifts into first and just stays there at idle.

    The fact that if your idle is high enough that the car will roll forward is
    simply a side-effect of the design. It isn't done to help you on hills
    it is just there because it's an unavoidable side effect.

    It is like pointing out that the front winshield's field of view is
    where it is blocked by the rear-view mirror hanging down, and we
    should therefore get rid of rear view mirrors and put rear-facing TV
    cameras and screens in the dashboard or some such silliness - an
    idea that I'm frankly surprised that Kenneth hasn't picked up on already
    and added to his list of crusades. The field of view is blocked as a
    simple side effect of the rear view mirror being there, it isn't deliberate.

    A very great deal of the design that goes into the modern automobile is
    done because it's a least-cost solution. For example take seatbelts,
    a 5 point harness is superior to a lap/shoulder belt combo, but the
    automakers don't use them except for children in car seats. This is
    purely least-cost engineering and it's done because the general motoring
    public is largely comprised of idiots too stupid to even put on a
    seat belt to begin with, let alone know that a 5 pointer is better than
    a lap/shoulder. Thus there is ample material to rail against out there,
    it is just a shame that Kenneth wastes his time on stupid stuff like
    timing belts, instead of worthwile stuff like crusading against so many
    states that don't give decent drivers tests, 3 point belts, title washing
    scams, etc. etc.
    The point of Nomen's post wasn't to make an observation then get
    a list of possible solutions. The point was to get a bunch of strangers
    to respond to something he posted. Just seeing the responses, no
    matter what he says, is what he's after. He probably is busy masterbating
    himself while reading them and this is the only way the poor guy can
    reach climax. Hey Noman, hope you didn't spray the screen again
    while reading this.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Dec 5, 2005
  3. Daniel Armstrong

    Helper Guest

    He used to babble regularly in, suddenly left when
    he became recognized as a dope and showed up here.
    Reminds me of "Church Lady" on Saturday Night Live. Likes to throw out a
    topic, then sit back and watch us discuss it amongst ourselves.
    Helper, Dec 5, 2005
  4. Daniel Armstrong

    Mr. Caravan Guest

    This same guy is also showing up in the jazz group. His latest ranting
    concerns a highly placed source who claims the legendary jazz pianist
    Thelonius Monk actually played piano on a 1957 recording of "Tequila"
    by the Champs.The fact of the matter is that Monk was in NYC, and
    never anywhere near Los Angeles, where the recording was made.

    My best advice for people like this, who have just too much time on
    their hands, is to ignore them completely. Trolls like to
    shit-disturb, as earlier suggested, and are to be pittied (from a

    Continuing any dialogue with these nutjobs only furthers their ego and
    their demented personality. Fruit Loops and Looney Tunes like this
    must be avoided at all costs.
    Mr. Caravan, Dec 5, 2005
  5. Daniel Armstrong

    Bill Putney Guest

    I think you're confusing "Church Lady" with Mike Myers' "Coffee Talk"
    ("Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic...", "I'm all
    verklempt" - sound familiar?).

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Dec 6, 2005
  6. Thanks for the info on him and the trans I will remember that..
    Daniel Armstrong, Dec 6, 2005
  7. Daniel Armstrong

    Helper Guest

    Yeah? Well, isn't that special!
    Helper, Dec 6, 2005
  8. Daniel Armstrong

    Bill Putney Guest

    You loook mahvelous!

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Dec 6, 2005
  9. Daniel Armstrong

    Guest Guest

    Guest, Dec 6, 2005
  10. Daniel Armstrong

    Joe Guest

    Good Lord he's Internet famous, but still hides.[/QUOTE]

    Learned something there! I noticed he was a totally off-topic nut troller,
    but I had no idea that somebody actually went to the trouble to make him
    Joe, Dec 10, 2005
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