no start stratu ES 2.5 V6

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by magickarle, Oct 10, 2006.

  1. magickarle

    magickarle Guest

    Hi, I got a problem with my stratus:
    My transmission was acting weird: It downshift sometimes from the third
    to first when it drove for a little while on the highway and take an
    exit (so was driving @ 100km for a while and slows down to around 30-40
    When this happens, I put it on neutral, shut down the car and start it
    again and it resets the transmission to the right gear.
    But last time I did that, it would start and had to tow the car.
    I've verified the starter motor by jumping the solenoid and it turns
    The battery reads 12.5V and did a check on it and the amp is good.
    The break pedal is hard and breaks barely.
    The power steering is off and hard to turn the car

    The day light goes off while I turn the ignition switch and the night
    light not.
    While turning the ignition switch, the break light stays on (light
    looks like a (!) light on the dash)
    I've replaced the ground wire from the motor to the body recently and
    verified it. Seems it's A1.
    All lights in the car works so no fuses issue.
    What else should I verify? Could it be a distributor ignition system

    What happened couple days ago: I had to change the ground motor wire
    because it was rusted.
    I've levelled the battery liquid with distilled water
    Changed the water pump and changed the starter

    That's the best I can think now. PLZ take a moment and write me if
    any other tests need to be done.
    magickarle, Oct 10, 2006
  2. magickarle

    magickarle Guest

    forgot to mention, could it be a defect starter relay ?
    magickarle a écrit :
    magickarle, Oct 10, 2006
  3. magickarle

    Bob Shuman Guest

    You may have multiple problems ... the new no start issue is likely either a
    bad battery/starter/ground connection or a defective starter solenoid.
    Given you just messed with the ground cable, I'd start there.

    The old issue could be a power issue to the trans computer. If not that,
    then the trans requires proper maintenance. When was the fluid and filter
    last changed?


    PS Your car has "brakes" not "breaks"
    Bob Shuman, Oct 10, 2006
  4. magickarle

    magickarle Guest

    Do you know is the solenoid is 12v? If yes, I could test it by jumping
    the relay n connect the battery on solenoid directly?
    The new ground wire is A1. Didn't over heat and current goes through
    Battery reads A1 n was tested with an amp meter n A1.
    Starter motor work if I bypass the solenoid.

    Fluid n filter was changed in spring (so 8 months ago) because the
    control unit was changed as well.

    Bob Shuman a écrit :
    magickarle, Oct 11, 2006
  5. magickarle

    magickarle Guest

    I've found the problem: my ing, fuel starter fuse 20A was blown. I've
    put a new on and asa I started, it blow again (but I heard the starter
    What kind of troubleshoot can I do fo fix this issue?
    magickarle, Oct 12, 2006
  6. magickarle

    philthy Guest

    just replace the starter it's drawing to many amps
    philthy, Oct 12, 2006
  7. magickarle

    Bob Shuman Guest

    What exactly is "a fuel starter fuse?"
    Fuel pump or starter solenoid activation circuit?
    Bob Shuman, Oct 12, 2006
  8. magickarle

    Bob Shuman Guest

    I didn't think the starter motor was fused.

    Bob Shuman, Oct 12, 2006
  9. magickarle

    magickarle Guest

    magickarle, Oct 12, 2006
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