No power loss light on 1987 caravan 2.5

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by dmitchell, Feb 18, 2005.

  1. dmitchell

    dmitchell Guest

    Without any preceding symptoms, it died. It will not start. But, I
    noticed the power loss light will not come on. Does anyone have any
    idea as to where the break in power to ignition system could be? There
    is no spark, and I have tried another distributor, just to eliminate
    that common problem. On other ones that the pickup plate died on, there
    was no effect to the power loss light, and yes, the bulb is good.
    dmitchell, Feb 18, 2005
  2. Sounds like no power to the SMEC (engine control computer). Check your
    fusible links (in the wiring harness upstream of the SMEC), check the 60-
    and 14-pin connectors for corrosion, and if all of that checks out, find
    and fix the faulty power and/or ground wire(s) to the SMEC.
    Daniel J. Stern, Feb 18, 2005
  3. dmitchell

    clemslay Guest

    You likely have two problems:
    Not running & corroded eyelets in the cluster PCB.

    My 87 is very intermittent, CE can quit, low fuel
    can flash opposite of the 4 way flashers, tach
    can quit or peg. I need to remove my cluster
    and resolder things, replace lamps, grease
    cable, etc.

    When you don't have spark, does your fuel
    pump run?
    Do you get the pump's grunt when you turn
    on the ignition? (assuming it's been a while
    since you last tried)
    If you never have spark or pump action, check
    the fuse links.
    If yours (mid year change) has separate logic
    and power modules your ASD relay is inside
    the power module.
    If yours has the SBEC, the ASD relay is on the
    inner fender.
    Does your tach show some speed while cranking
    (if you have one)?
    clemslay, Feb 19, 2005
  4. dmitchell

    Dave Gower Guest

    Coil or connections? Hall pickup or connections? Ignition computer (less
    Dave Gower, Feb 19, 2005
  5. dmitchell

    dmitchell Guest

    I have no fuel pump running, no spark, and no power loss light. I think
    it's a break in the power lead somewhere, but don't know where most
    likely spot is. I'm gonna try to check out the pink fuseable link at
    the ecm, but if that is intact, I don't know where to look next.
    dmitchell, Feb 20, 2005
  6. dmitchell

    dmitchell Guest

    I would like to thank all who responded to my problem. I got a complete
    wiring schematic from my son's high school. With that, I was able to
    trace the power leads and I found them all to be ok, so I checked the
    grounds and found a bad ground wire connection. I am most appreciative
    for all your concern and input.
    dmitchell, Feb 22, 2005
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