No Heat

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mike, Dec 9, 2005.

  1. mike

    mike Guest

    My 95 Dodge Caravan is not blowing hot air when 'hot' is selected. It
    still blows cold.

    Do you think that my thermostat is stuck open or is there some lever
    that is not getting set and 'cold' remains on even though I selected

    mike, Dec 9, 2005
  2. Mike,
    It is possible that the thermostat is stuck open. Other possibilities
    include low coolant level, bad head gasket, a bad heater core, or your
    heater controller might not be getting vacuum from the engine. Miles on it
    and what engine is in it will help in diagnosing it and also knowing of any
    problems that are more likely with some engines. I'd check the coolant
    level first and be sure that if you add coolant that you do it with the
    engine cool and bleed the air from the cooling system.

    Hope this helps some. If it causes more questions don't hesitate to ask
    because someone here will know the answer.

    Tom & Debbie Heintz, Dec 9, 2005
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