No cars, not just Chrysler

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Pete E. Kruzer, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. Not far from me there was a large Oldsmobile - Pontiac - GMC dealer.
    Now it's trying to survive with only GMC. Can't get a Buick or
    Chevrolet dealership and GM won't let them take on a not-GM brand.
    Pete E. Kruzer, Apr 23, 2010
  2. I don't know how the legal/business relationship works, but near here we
    have "XYZ Oldsmobile - GMC," "XYZ Nissan," "XYZ Dodge" and "XYZ Hyundai"
    all in a row with no fences between -- obviously all part of the same
    family of companies -- so there must be a way of getting dealerships for
    brands in addition to GM.

    (This particular group of businesses lost its Dodge dealership too, in
    addition to losing Pontiac.)

    Percival P. Cassidy, Apr 23, 2010
  3. You are correct. The car store near me doesn't have the area to do
    this. They wanted to get one or two of the newer foreign makes. They
    could have, BUT, they could not be housed in the same building of lot
    with the GMCs. I guess the fence separating them legally makes them
    separate lots. I'm wondering if they would need separate buildings for
    Pete E. Kruzer, Apr 24, 2010
  4. Pete E. Kruzer

    DAS Guest

    What do you consider as a newer foreign make?


    To reply directly replace 'nospam' with 'schmetterling'

    You are correct. The car store near me doesn't have the area to do
    this. They wanted to get one or two of the newer foreign makes. They
    DAS, Apr 24, 2010
  5. Pete E. Kruzer

    Josh S Guest

    In our area a gentleman who started as a GM salesman in his youth,
    eventually owned several GM dealerships.
    A number of years ago he got out of his GM dealerships, one by one.
    He changed his last GM dealership to Suzuki a few years ago.
    So he saw the light and chucked GM in time.

    He now has 7 car dealerships, only a Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge dealership left
    of the big-3.
    Josh S, Apr 25, 2010
  6. Ones that haven't been sold in the states as long as Honda, Nissan,
    Subaru and Toyota.
    Pete E. Kruzer, Apr 25, 2010
  7. Pete E. Kruzer

    sctvguy1 Guest

    Remember when they actually HAD Peugot, Renault, Alfa and Fiat dealers? I
    had a teacher friend who had a Peugot 405 that needed a new tire, wheel size
    was 14.5"! She went to a junkyard and got four 15" wheels in order to buy
    cheaper tires! I remember the seats were always comfortable in French cars
    sctvguy1, Apr 25, 2010
  8. Pete E. Kruzer

    Bill Putney Guest

    The nearest experience I had with Peugeot was when I was in the Navy.
    Someone I was stationed with (in the states) bought one of the diesel
    wagons that everyone was excited about. That was in the '72-'74
    time-frame. My recollection is that his individually and pretty much
    everyone's in general experience was a disaster (engine or engine
    controls problems?) - I know his was constantly in and out of the dealer
    with never any fix for whatever the problem(s) was (were). IIRC, it was
    so bad that Peugeot ended up buying back all of them in the U.S. That
    had to be quite a marketing and money hit for the company in the U.S.
    Bill Putney, Apr 25, 2010
  9. Pete E. Kruzer

    rob Guest

    rob, Apr 25, 2010
  10. Pete E. Kruzer

    sctvguy1 Guest

    My brother had one of those for a short time, always a problem, stayed
    parked more than it ran!
    sctvguy1, Apr 25, 2010
  11. Pete E. Kruzer

    DAS Guest

    But not bad-looking, especially when compared with some American cars... ;-)

    Pete E Kruzer has still not suggested any brands or models falling under
    "newer foreign makes". I do not live in the US so don't have such details.


    To reply directly replace 'nospam' with 'schmetterling'
    DAS, Apr 26, 2010

  12. Hyundai, Isuzu, Kia
    Pete E. Kruzer, Apr 26, 2010
  13. Pete E. Kruzer

    Josh S Guest

    In CDA we've had Hyundai for many years, except when they left for a
    while after their crappy Pony failure.
    Kia is just another Hyundai isn't it?
    Isuzu has also been around for years, in a "small way".

    Looking behind the name I'd say the new VW Golf and Jetta diesels are
    very new in design. Even have a 6 spd double clutch auto to go with
    their modern diesel which I prefer to a hybrid.
    IMO very strange the station wagon version is called a Golf rather than
    Jetta which it is closest to in size.
    The dealer told me all Golf hatch backs now come from Germany. That
    should avoid the assembly problems we have experienced with Mexican VWs.
    Josh S, Apr 26, 2010
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