New parts

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Daniel Armstrong, Dec 29, 2005.

  1. As I have mentioned in other posts I have an 89 sundance 2.2 that spun the
    #1 rod bearing. I do not have the title to the car and it is sitting on our
    old property and must be disposed of soon. I was hoping someone in this
    newsgroup might have a need for some of the various new parts on the car.
    The ones I can think of right off hand are a rebuilt non-lockup A413
    transaxle from Orielly auto parts with less than 5000 miles on it most of
    which was a road trip from Iowa to Florida, Both half shafts that were
    changed after we got back from florida, A marshall engines rebuilt cylinder
    head with about 3 miles on it that has threaded oil gallery plugs , fuel
    pump, and probably others. I am not looking to reclaim much money out of
    the car but we did pay $500 for the new head and obviously did not have a
    chance to drive the car before the bearing went so that money was wasted. I
    feel it would be a shame to let the car go to the crusher with so many
    dollars worth of new parts on it. I hope this post does not violate any
    rules of this newsgroup.
    Daniel Armstrong, Dec 29, 2005
  2. It would help to know where this car is. Is it in the United States? This
    newsgroup is worldwide.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Dec 30, 2005
  3. The car is located in Cincinnati, Iowa, United States
    Daniel Armstrong, Jan 1, 2006
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