New 300's are turning up like weeds ...

Discussion in 'Chrysler 300' started by MoPar Man, Apr 8, 2004.

  1. MoPar Man

    MoPar Man Guest

    For better or worse, the new Bentl - er - 300's are starting to turn

    Yesterday (at the end of a business trip to a southern-ohio city) I
    was returning my Dollar rental car to the airport and saw a line of
    the new 300's parked in the lot. Apparently they just received them
    that day. Too bad - I would have rented one of them instead of the
    MoPar Man, Apr 8, 2004
  2. MoPar Man

    trh2130 Guest

    I have seen at least three of the new 300s in Las Vegas within the past 2 days.
    trh2130, Apr 8, 2004
  3. MoPar Man

    zair Guest

    Our local dealer has about 10 of them. He had 5 presold and all but one
    customer passed on buying them. I think the lots will be full and few will
    be on the road until some big incentives go into affect. How would you feel
    buying one now and seing $3,000-$5,000 rebate in a few months. There are
    some very unhappy pacifica buyers who did the same thing. Big ugly and
    overpriced an old mans car.

    zair, Apr 9, 2004
  4. |
    | For better or worse, the new Bentl - er - 300's are starting to turn
    | up.
    | Yesterday (at the end of a business trip to a southern-ohio city) I
    | was returning my Dollar rental car to the airport and saw a line of
    | the new 300's parked in the lot. Apparently they just received them
    | that day. Too bad - I would have rented one of them instead of the
    | Intrepid.

    I haven't seen any yet.
    James C. Reeves, Apr 9, 2004
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