Neon gasket and tranmssion

Discussion in 'Neon' started by Exploding Sheep, Aug 2, 2003.

  1. I have two questions. My head gasket has been leaking for two years,
    fourtunately I live about 1.5 miles from work. I have read several posts on
    getting Dodge to pay for the head gasket repalcement,or paying most of the
    cost even though it is out of warranty. Can someone tell me who to contact
    and what I should say? Since I am not the original owner does that matter?
    I am friends with the orginal owner so if that is a big deal he will call
    them and take it in.

    My second question is my transmission is making a clicking noise when I
    accelarate or take my fot off the pedal, it also does it when it chages
    gear, once it gets warmed up it does not make the noise as often. It only
    clikcs once each time it changes gears or I press the gas pedal, I notice
    most when I drive in parking lots, as I have to slow for speed bumps and
    those pesky kids..


    Exploding Sheep, Aug 2, 2003
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