Neon AC woes

Discussion in 'Neon' started by Mikhael47, Aug 18, 2004.

  1. Mikhael47

    Mikhael47 Guest

    My compresser isn't coming on in my 2000 neon. I had 1.56lbs of r134a in it
    which I topped up. Put leak dye in it and some oil. I've checked all the
    usual culprits and finally found it to be an electrical problem. We did
    this by jumping the compressor with 12v and it clicked on right away. Ice
    cold air coming out.

    So, does anyone have a hint as to where to start checking first? Or better
    yet, does anyone have the ability to scan in a wiring diagram for the AC
    system and send it to me? I'd be forever in your debt!

    Mikhael47, Aug 18, 2004
  2. You started with 1.56 pounds and added from there? Or you added 1.56
    pounds to whatever was in there already? What does the dataplate say is
    the correct fill amount? And how much is "some oil"?
    That doesn't necessarily mean you have an electrical problem per se.
    Remember, the system has LPCO and HPCO switches (Low Pressure and High
    Pressure Cut Out) that will prevent the compressor coming on if the system
    charge is too low or too high. What do your low and high side pressures
    look like when you jumper the compressor?
    Daniel J. Stern, Aug 18, 2004
  3. Mikhael47

    Mikhael47 Guest

    Sorry, it had 1.56 lbs recovered, then I filled it to the spec if 1.875lbs.
    I recovered several ounces of oil (not sure exactly how much because the
    machine's oil recovery tank was bubbling) and put in 4oz. I also put in
    approx 2oz of dyed oil.

    I don't remember what the pressure said however the mechanic that hooked up
    the machine said it was within normal range and he said (as soon as he
    hooked up the machine) that the pressure was good enough for the compresser
    to engage.

    I can take the car back in and check the pressures on both the hi and low
    side. What should that car have as optimal pressure?

    Mikhael47, Aug 18, 2004
  4. Mikhael47

    Guest Guest

    Check the pressure switch. If pressure is too high or too low the
    compressor will not run. If the switch is bad it will not run. Running
    with pressure too high OR too low can cause serious damage.
    Guest, Aug 18, 2004
  5. Mikhael47

    Mikhael47 Guest

    It might be the pressure sensor, however I am not sure. It seems to be the
    sensor that is right on the compressor. There is one on the 'front' and one
    on the 'side'. The one on the front is the one that doesn't seem to be
    doing anything. It's a black plug with several wires coming out of it. The
    one on the side of the compressor is white, different connector. Does
    anyone have a wiring diagram to explain what these 'sensors' do and where
    they are all located?

    Correct me if I am wrong but I am assuming the pressure sensor on the
    aluminum block at the firewall is the pressure sensor. It seems to work as
    usual. If I unplug it, the fan goes off and the engine rpms lower. The one
    on the side of the compressor acts the same way. The one on the front of
    the compressor does not do anything when disconnected.

    When I put a light on the fuse for the AC, it does not light up. The fuse
    appears to be good, I did not swap it yet. There is also a relay, I did
    swap it with no difference.

    If I jump the sensor on the compressor itself, the compressor engages.

    It's got to be a sensor or short in a wire as the pressure in the system is
    good, and there doesn't seem to be any leaks the needles on the guages stay
    put and don't fluctuate at all. When I did the recovery, the system gets
    purged by creating a vacum. The guages stay solid at the maximum negative
    pressure. If it were leaking I should see the pressures vary while
    purging. There is no dye coming out anywhere.

    When the machine is hooked up the pressures are normal and steady. I did
    not check to see if anything changes when the compressor is jumped

    Thanks for your time

    Mikhael47, Aug 18, 2004
  6. Mikhael47

    Bill Putney Guest

    Rather than be in anyone's debt, why not simply spring for the $25 for a
    years subscription for the downloadable info. from
    Along with the factory schematics right out of the FSM (IOW, the real
    schematics specific to your vehicle), plus full TSB's also specific to
    your vehicle? Surely the FSM info., not to mention the TSB's, would be
    worth that much to you over a year's time if you do your own work, as
    you apparently do (and I'll quit calling you "Shirley"). (BTW, second
    year renewal and/or a subscription for any additional vehicles will be
    only $15 per vehicle per year.)

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Aug 19, 2004
  7. Mikhael47

    Mikhael47 Guest

    That's a pretty good idea.. I'll check into it. I'd of bought a manual
    already but in my area they are hard to come by for that generation of neon.

    Mikhael47, Aug 19, 2004
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