needed 2.7 dodge intrepid engine

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JoshnNatalie04, Mar 6, 2004.

  1. hi everyone i was woundering if anyone out there has a 2.7 engine for my 1998
    dodge intrepid it can be in the year range from 1998-2003 engines if u have one
    or know where i might be able to get one for a reasonable price please let me
    know thank u for ur time thanx Josh
    JoshnNatalie04, Mar 6, 2004
  2. JoshnNatalie04

    drgnflys Guest

    I am also looking for a 2.7 engine for my intrepid. It’s a 2000 and
    only has 46,000miles on it. I was told by the dealership that they
    can get me one for $6,200 and that is a remanufactured one. I just
    found a website that i haven’t yet checked with but they claim they
    can get any engine...their number is 1-800-865-0449...the name of the
    site is able engines...hope this helps....i was also told by the
    mechanic that is woorking on my car that chrysler has a problem with
    these engines and is pretty much ignoring...he also said it is the
    most stolen car in Detroit right now and the only thing missing when
    they are recovered is the 2.7 engine...really made me feel luck in your search!

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    drgnflys, May 21, 2004
  3. JoshnNatalie04

    Art Guest

    7 year/70k mile warranty???
    Art, May 21, 2004
  4. JoshnNatalie04

    Geoff Guest

    My mom and dad just picked up an '04 Sebring with the 2.7L. Baked into the
    deal was a coupon book for free oil changes -- it looks like there's enough
    there for the life of the warranty at least, maybe beyond. It would seem
    that Chrysler wants to make it *entirely* your fault if the 2.7L isn't
    properly maintained. I guess they're tired of being burned by warranty
    claims due to poor maintenance.

    Geoff, May 21, 2004
  5. |
    | My mom and dad just picked up an '04 Sebring with the 2.7L. Baked into the
    | deal was a coupon book for free oil changes -- it looks like there's enough
    | there for the life of the warranty at least, maybe beyond. It would seem
    | that Chrysler wants to make it *entirely* your fault if the 2.7L isn't
    | properly maintained. I guess they're tired of being burned by warranty
    | claims due to poor maintenance.
    | --Geoff

    I got those coupons with my 04 Sebring 2.7 also. I add about $23 and upgrade
    to synthetic...even less likely to form sludge, I figure.
    James C. Reeves, May 21, 2004
  6. JoshnNatalie04

    mic canic Guest

    actually they found out the quality of oil from brand to brand is the cause of
    engine sludge and this helps cut down on their poor design failure rate
    mic canic, May 22, 2004
  7. JoshnNatalie04

    Bill Putney Guest

    Who is "they", and where is this information found?

    also, please use proper sentence capitalization and punctuation it helps
    reading a whole lot easier on everybody else - if you see what I mean.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, May 22, 2004
  8. JoshnNatalie04

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Any data to back up this claim? Which oils are supposed to be less
    prone to sludge and which are more prone?

    Matt Whiting, May 22, 2004
  9. JoshnNatalie04

    mic canic Guest

    they are the trainers at d.c who train us techs and inform us of the issues.
    sorry not enough time in my life to be a perfect journalist
    mic canic, May 23, 2004
  10. JoshnNatalie04

    Bill Putney Guest

    Not asking for anything near perfection - just some barely acceptable
    minimum standards so people don't have to struggle to read. Stopping
    for stop signs wastes time to, but it's necessary. Do what you want -
    no skin off my teeth.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, May 23, 2004
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