Need help on power steering problems 2001 Town and Country minivan.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by trishhelen, Jan 5, 2006.

  1. trishhelen

    trishhelen Guest

    I just purchased a 2001 town and country minivan. It has minor
    problems, the rear wipers don't work, the front water pumps don't work
    but I figured that was easily taken care of. However, several times
    now, I have started the car and had no power steering. It has taken
    either several restarts or turning off EVERYTHING - radio, fans,
    lights, etc and then I pull out, the steering is rather heavy and as
    soon as I get going it is ok. (Those times when I first start, the
    steering is impossible).

    What should I have the mechanic check. Is it a battery or electrical
    problem that might also affect the wiper pumps?

    Any info would be appreciated.
    trishhelen, Jan 5, 2006
  2. check the reservoir and make sure the fluid level is correct. I have a 2005
    that has under 7k miles on it and it has a leaky rack. We are waiting for a
    new rack to be available so that we can take the car back to get the rack
    Alex Rodriguez, Jan 5, 2006
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