Need better headlights on 94 LHS

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bob Street, Jul 15, 2004.

  1. Bob Street

    Bob Street Guest

    I have 94 LHS and the headlights are terrible. I guess as I get older they
    seem worse but frankly I don't think they ever worked well. I know that the
    lenses are slightly discolored but even with the highest rated new normal
    bulbs makes little difference in brightness. I don't want to spend hundreds
    of dollars on some exotic solution. Is there something I can do? Does anyone
    think that replacing the lenses will help significantly? My other newer car
    has excellent headlights that make me feel like the I'm driving in the dark
    with the LHS.
    Bob Street, Jul 15, 2004
  2. Bob Street

    Art Guest

    Tell us about it. THe headlights suck. If you have an early model 94 and
    never complained they suck extra bad. They were revised marginally at one
    point and if you complained during warranty the bad ones were replaced with
    less bad ones. I think you can tell the difference in that the newer ones
    have less internal ridges.

    You might check a junkyard for a later year set to replace them. Do not put
    over rated bulbs in because they will burn out the bad wiring. I' m sure
    our resident lighting expert will respond with more details but the bottom
    line is that you are screwed. If it makes you feel any better, I've been
    noticing a lot of expensive Volvo's lately with discolored headlight lenses.
    Don't know how those people can see either. I replaced my 94 LHS with a 99
    300M and it has far superior headlights and so far lenses are absolutely
    Art, Jul 15, 2004
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