Mysterious Water "Leak"

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by qtjess1, Apr 29, 2005.

  1. qtjess1

    qtjess1 Guest

    I own a 92 Chrysler Lebaron Convertible and whenever I tell a family
    mechanic this issue, they give me funny hopefully somebody
    out there knows what I‘m talking about!

    Starting almost three years ago, WATER comes squirting out onto the
    front driver & passenger floors. There is pressure when the water
    comes out and it comes out all at once, NOT over a period of time.
    It’s definitely just water. Sometimes, it’s a little water and
    sometimes it’s a gush of water. Sometimes it’s in the summer, and
    sometimes it’s in the rainy season. It doesn’t happen too often but
    enough to drive me crazy when I have to soak it up, and blow dry the
    carpet! My air conditioner works just fine, and so does the heater,
    which is why I ruled out both of those...should I still be considering
    them as a possible cause?

    Here’s where it gets weirder... just last March when it rained real
    heavily, there was enough water in my car from the front passenger
    carpet floor area to where it went all the way to the back passenger
    floor where there was a good gallon of standing water. Eventually it
    all dried up, but every now and then, my back passenger carpet
    mysterious starts to get wet on it’s on, as if it’s coming up from
    underneath the floor. Again, the amount rages from a small bit to the
    whole back floor being soaked. I’m positive there are no leaks in my
    convertible top or windows. that are causing this problem. In fact, I
    was vacuuming my dry carpets today on a nice sunny day, and all of a
    sudden, when I was done, I watched with my own eyes this circle of
    water start to rise above my carpet and get bigger in diameter. Could
    there still be water from the last flood that is stuck in some sort of
    cavity under the carpet? Thank you for your time.
    qtjess1, Apr 29, 2005
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