Mulally: Inaction on auto aid threatens U.S. economy

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by rob, Nov 19, 2008.

  1. rob

    rob Guest

    November 18, 2008 - 3:00 pm ET
    UPDATED: 11/18/08 3:50 p.m. EST

    WASHINGTON -- Ford Motor Co. CEO Alan Mulally warned today that a government
    failure to aid the auto industry would create "tremendous risks to our
    already fragile economy."

    Avoiding those risks is in the "public interest" that Congress would serve
    by providing emergency loans to automakers, Mulally said.

    Mulally called on Congress "not to think of individual companies but rather
    of the industry -- and the economy -- as a whole."

    The remarks came in prepared testimony Mulally was scheduled to deliver
    today to the Senate Banking Committee. The committee is holding a hearing on
    legislation that would provide $25 billion in loans to automakers and

    Similar bills before the Senate and House would provide the loans, but their
    fate is uncertain. Votes are expected this week.

    Also scheduled to testify today's hearing are General Motors CEO Rick
    Wagoner, Chrysler LLC CEO Bob Nardelli, UAW President Ron Gettelfinger and
    Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich.

    No guarantees

    In his prepared statement, Mulally said he has heard a lot of criticism of
    the Detroit 3 in recent weeks -- mainly that the companies have a business
    model that no longer works, and that they must be restructured.

    He contended that Ford is pursuing a "complete transformation of our
    company" -- closing plants, shedding employees, introducing more
    fuel-efficient models, negotiating a cost-saving labor agreement and selling
    assets to raise cash.

    Wagoner's prepared testimony outlined similar restructuring steps. He said:
    "What exposes us to failure now is not our product lineup or our business
    plan or our long-term strategy. What exposes us to failure now is the global
    financial crisis, which has severely restricted credit availability and
    reduced industry sales to the lowest per-capita level since World War II."

    Wagoner said GM has cut its North American costs by $9 billion, or 23
    percent, since 2005. He said GM's new UAW contract will bring another $3
    billion to $4 billion in savings by 2011.

    Next year, Wagoner noted, GM will offer 20 models in the United States that
    get 30 mpg on the highway. "We've moved aggressively in recent years to
    position GM for long-term success," he said.

    Mulally's said Ford executives "are hopeful that we have enough liquidity
    based on current planning assumptions and planned cash improvement actions,
    but we also know that we live in tumultuous economic times in which rapid
    and unexpected change seems to be the norm rather than the exception."

    He suggested that Ford might weather the current downturn without emergency
    aid, but said there is no guarantee.

    Mulally said the failure of any of the Detroit 3 could bring down the entire
    industry, including suppliers and dealers, and affect as many as 3 million
    jobs. "There are very few isolated events in our industry," he said.

    He noted that even import-brand automakers have suffered amid dramatically
    declining sales -- a drop equal to about 5 million vehicles annually.

    GM has warned that without financial help by year end, it soon would lack
    the minimum amount of cash it needs to sustain operations.

    In today's remarks, Wagoner pledged that if government helps automakers
    through the crisis, "We will repay the taxpayer's faith and support many
    times over, for many years to come."

    Cerberus will 'forgo any benefit from the upside'

    Also today, Chrysler LLC Chairman Bob Nardelli said in his testimony that
    Cerberus Capital Management LP, Chrysler's majority owner, would "forgo any
    benefit from the upside that would, in part, be created from any government
    assistance Chrysler LLC may obtain."

    Nardelli also said Chrysler, the only privately held volume carmaker, is
    "willing to provide full financial transparency and welcome the government
    as a stakeholder."

    Without immediate assistance, "Chrysler's liquidity could fall below the
    level necessary to sustain operations," he said. Such a scenario would mean
    Chrysler might not be able to meet its $20 billion annual health care
    obligation, its $2 billion annual pension contribution to retirees, $7
    billion in current payables, $35 billion in future supplier business and the
    $6 billion in wages it pays 56,600 direct employees, Nardelli's testimony
    rob, Nov 19, 2008
  2. I am a friend of an auto exec. I won't get my 2,000.00 bottle of wine
    as a gift this year because he may be out of his 200/million per year
    job if the USA government doesn't bail him out.
    That is not fair to me. I want to see a bail out too. ...and my
    friend deserves to buy a few more homes in a few more states so that I
    can get free lodging when I go on vacation. Also, it is not fair that
    he can not have solid gold faucets in his bathroom! It would be
    terrible to see his salary drop to a million a year. Please bail out
    the auto executives!!! I want that bottle of wine and free lodging
    from my dear friend. Please all US citizens, bail out the rich
    CEO's . It is OK if you get poor doing it. I will send you my bottle
    of wine.
    TestingJustATest, Nov 20, 2008
  3. rob

    MoPar Man Guest

    No you're not. You're a troll.
    MoPar Man, Nov 21, 2008
  4. rob

    News Guest

    Screw the wine. Send the jet.
    News, Nov 21, 2008
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