Missed Chrysler CPO Items…

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Stash, May 3, 2004.

  1. Stash

    Stash Guest

    Bought a used 2003 Town and Country for my wife Friday night.

    Got a great deal on the late on the last day of the month. So I
    bought it without a full inspection relying on the CPO inspection and
    subsequent warranty to cover any gotcha's I found...

    Looks like the dealer did not get to a few of the ‘Certified Pre
    Owned' maintenance items. Toe is out .17" on the left with a slight
    pull to that side, missing a small body panel in the rear wheel well,
    and tire are in places 3/32 from the wear mark [they are to be 4/32
    above] probably from the toe being out. Not sure what else they
    missed other than the wiper fluid being half full…

    Good news is everything else looks great mechanically and the interior
    is perfect.

    All told, $500 in dealer cost they avoided and I want to hold them
    accountable for this. So looking for some folks with experience
    dealing with Chrysler regional offices in case I need to take this out
    of the dealership.

    Also - looking for the headphones that go with the Town and Country
    video system, they got 'lost' after the trade-in and they were not
    part of the deal... Anyone know were I can get these aftermarket?


    Stash, May 3, 2004
  2. Stash

    Daniel Guest

    A used car and you want Chrysler to bail you out? I am confused as to why
    you did not check out all the stuff to begin with - A missing body panel? A
    slight pull to the left in steering? Like buying a NEW car, the dealership
    will do whatever it takes to have you buy the car... but when it is YOUR
    car, they are slow to do stuff - Fact of life.

    Daniel, May 3, 2004
  3. Stash

    robs440 Guest

    robs440, Aug 26, 2004
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