Michelin HYDROEDGE Tires

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Arthur Alspector, Feb 5, 2004.

  1. Has anyone here experienced the Michelin HYDROEDGE tires and if so, what
    are your opinions of them? I'm thinking of replacing my Goodyear GA's on my
    99 Intrepid ES with them.

    Thanks in Advance

    Arthur Alspector, Feb 5, 2004
  2. Arthur Alspector

    Richard Guest

    Richard, Feb 5, 2004
  3. Arthur Alspector

    Lug Nut Guest

    I just put a set on my 99 Malibu (I also own a Chrysler) replacing the OEM
    Firestones. Fantastic ride and they work extremely well in snow.
    Lug Nut
    Lug Nut, Feb 6, 2004
  4. I bought a set about two months ago for my 2000 stock Intrepid, ditching the
    factory Goodyear Eagle GA tires which gave me pretty good service for about
    46000 miles.

    HUGE DIFFERENCE in ride and handling on these tires. The car feels
    "planted" to the road now, handles better and I couldn't be happier.
    Pricey, although I got a good deal from my local NTB (formerly owned by
    Sears) when I told them I had a lower quote from a different local chain (no
    lie, it was better). They matched the price and I left happy. So far, no
    problems, although I haven't driven the car in deep snow.

    If you can afford it, I'd heartily recommend them. Good luck.

    Would like to have the Michelins on my '02 Stratus to replace the Goodyear
    Eagle GT-HRs that are on there now, but can't swing the funds.
    Dillon Family, Feb 6, 2004
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