Metric Ignorance?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Richard, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. Richard

    Richard Guest

    Just changed the brake fluid in several cars, including my PT Cruiser and 04
    Chrysler mini-van. Every vehicle required a metric wrench to loosen the
    caliper bleed screw until I got to the mini-van. Yep, good old SAE English
    wrench called for (even though the caliper bolts are metric).

    My first small gripe with this vehicle was Chrysler's choice of odd metric
    bolt sizes that most wrench sets don't include; now this. Wonder if they
    send these parts over to Europe to drive those customers and service guys
    nuts as well?

    Richard, Sep 27, 2006
  2. Richard

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Same thing was happening back in the '80s, as well. Everything on my
    318 is SAE, EXCEPT: Two bolts fastening the compressor to the front
    mount, AND the AIS pump mount bolts! So, a complete SAE wrench set
    does the engine, except you need a 10mm and a 15mm to do
    those...weird. Further weirdness is that the compressor hose fittings
    are held by metrics, while the rest of the system is SAE. It seems
    insane, but GM was far, far worse. Ford, to their credit, metricized
    fairly completely in the '80s.
    DeserTBoB, Sep 27, 2006
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