Mercedes V12 in Chrysler?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by greek_philosophizer, Jan 7, 2004.

  1. Is that a hot version of the
    S class V12 in the
    CHRYSLER! 850HP NE four-twelve
    prototype that they are
    showing at NAIAS?
    greek_philosophizer, Jan 7, 2004
  2. greek_philosophizer

    Steve Guest

    The articles I read says its an AMG-designed engine. Obviously since AMG
    primarily modifies Mercedes engines, its no doubt heavily influenced by
    Mercedes. But an AMG engine is no more or less a Mercedes than a Keith
    Black Hemi is a Chrysler or a Falconer is a Chevrolet.
    Steve, Jan 7, 2004
  3. Here's a real good story on the car that was posted on

    Tom Heintz "Mopar Maniac"
    Tom & Debbie Heintz, Jan 8, 2004
  4. greek_philosophizer

    Zak McGregor Guest

    I disagree. AMG is wholly Mercedes-owned and is essentially there
    in-house tuning arm. It's a Merc engine in my book (and in my database


    Zak McGregor, Jan 8, 2004
  5. I have heard the car is a prototype
    and they intend to have a running
    version this summer. Do you think
    it will go into production? It would
    seem to me a smart move, they need a
    blinding halo.
    To reach the greek_philosophizer
    ( who has spent the last seven years
    being poisoned and harassed by the
    gang that follows you around
    and whistles you may call this number
    which is in Alexandria, VIRGINia ,
    cell : ( 571 ) 224 - 6315
    greek_philosophizer, Jan 8, 2004
  6. greek_philosophizer

    MoPar Man Guest

    It's a Mercedes concept and if it goes into production it will
    essentially be a Mercedes model.

    Why they are calling it a Chrysler I have no idea.
    Again with the halo. Chrysler already has a "halo". It's the Viper.
    Even the viper is prices beyond the means of 99% of anyone considering
    buying a Chrysler. This V-12 "Merc that wants to call itself a
    Chrysler" would be priced even higher and production numbers even
    lower than the Viper.

    Chrysler had a "halo" car that was shown at the Detroit Auto Show in
    Jan. 2000. It was the Hemi 300 convertible, and we could have been
    driving them 2 years ago if Daimler didn't takeover Chrysler.

    Why would I want to reach you?
    Why are you posting private information like that? Are you nuts? Is
    that someone else's phone number - and not yours?
    MoPar Man, Jan 8, 2004
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