Mercedes still may profit from Chrysler

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Comments4u, Jan 3, 2008.

  1. Comments4u

    edward ohare Guest

    Really? I thought if you wanted to know how something holds up, you'd
    try to wear it out under repeatable, verifiable, controlled
    conditions. (All things CU surveys lack.)
    edward ohare, Jan 12, 2008
  2. Comments4u

    Nate Nagel Guest

    Remind me never to mention Lloyd's name again. I think I mentioned
    something about his absence from RAD in a thread a week or two ago, and
    speak of the devil.

    Nate Nagel, Jan 12, 2008
  3. Comments4u

    Lloyd Guest

    I pointed out CR is where you can read about reliability and you
    chided me for not reading SAE engineering journals instead.
    It can for the purpose they're intended -- not as an absolute guide
    (5% of Caravans experience problems) but as a relative one (a larger %
    of Caravans experience problems than do Odysseses).
    Lloyd, Jan 14, 2008
  4. Comments4u

    Lloyd Guest

    References? All I've ever seen you post are blogs and opinions.
    Again, if there is bias, why would it be different for Chrysler vs
    Simply not true. You can stiull use them for relative comparisons.
    Or do you think Chrysler owners interpret the questions differently
    from Honda owners?
    Lloyd, Jan 14, 2008
  5. Comments4u

    Lloyd Guest

    This is as relevant to the discussion at hand as talking about the
    computers in the Space Shuttle when comparing Dell and Mac
    Lloyd, Jan 14, 2008
  6. Comments4u

    Lloyd Guest

    OK, you take hundreds of autos (oh, and 10 model years of each one)
    and run them each for thousands of miles (oh, and try to get some info
    in time for it to be useful to people reading it).

    Or, look up large number statistics and averaging out of conditions.
    Lloyd, Jan 14, 2008
  7. Comments4u

    Brent P Guest

    No, I stated it brought back memories of the great ABS threads where you
    insisted on getting your engineering from C&D and CR.
    It's worse than reading reviews on At least allows
    people to explain things, they write it out. CR well you get a bunch of
    Brent P, Jan 14, 2008
  8. Comments4u

    Brent P Guest

    Again you demonstrate you have no clue what so ever about engineering.
    You don't even grasp the conceptual level.
    Brent P, Jan 14, 2008
  9. Comments4u

    Lloyd Guest

    Yeah, kind of like graphs in those journals, eh? Gee, you actually
    have to read some text to know what the graph represents. Maybe CR
    readers are smart enough to do that. You?
    Lloyd, Jan 15, 2008
  10. Comments4u

    Brent P Guest

    Guess that went over your head. It's not I or anyone else can't read the
    key to see what the symbols mean, it's that CR has by confines of their
    survey and their data processing has removed the details.

    For instance, in reading the reviews of a company online or ebay or
    whatever I tend to hit that 'worst' button and read those. I can tell by
    what they wrote if they were the dumbass or the company was doing
    something wrong. Can't do that with CR. No way to tell if their result has
    been skewed for a particular model by one or three dumbasses who never
    changed the oil. Can't tell with CR if the results are skewed by people
    who overly nit-picky for a particular vehicle. There's no way to tell
    between real fit and finish issues or people who thought the bottom the
    floor pans should be painted body color and polished. On amazon the guy
    concerned about polished floor pans is written off as nutty, on CR he
    impacts the result.
    Brent P, Jan 15, 2008
  11. Comments4u

    Steve Guest

    Uh.... where did I ever imply that we should be asking (only) the
    car-company engineers (for which the MS engineers would be a metaphor in
    the foregoeing example. *I* said that I give more credence to what
    engineering-knowledgable drivers and reviewers (magazines other than CR,
    Car and Driver, Motor Trend, etc) have to say.
    People who know no better than to list the "engine" as unreliable when
    they have a problem with the alternator are indeed worth far less (as
    useful reviewers, not as human beings) than people who know the
    difference, and know that the alternator is made by Nippondenso and not
    by Chrysler anyway.

    It affects every damn thing CR reviews, which is why the magazine is
    worthless even for buying a toaster.
    Steve, Jan 16, 2008
  12. Comments4u

    Steve Guest

    Nate Nagel wrote:

    That tears it. You owe us all a shiny new crate engine of our
    choosing... :)
    Steve, Jan 16, 2008
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