Mercedes, Not US, To Bail Out Chrysler

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Comments4u, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. Comments4u

    Bill Putney Guest

    "Top poster - full quoter". Kind of has a ring to it.

    I think a good country music writer could make a song out of that. No -
    come to think of it, Al Yankovic. I think it would fit one of Tom
    Petty's or the Eagles' songs, but I can't think of the name of it.
    Bill Putney, Dec 6, 2008
  2. Comments4u

    Nate Nagel Guest

    I was thinking Pat Benatar doing Heartbreaker...

    Nate Nagel, Dec 6, 2008
  3. Comments4u

    Bill Putney Guest

    I think that would be good, Nate. :)
    Bill Putney, Dec 6, 2008
  4. It does. He's a poet and he didn't know it.


    To send an e-mail directly replace "spam" with "schmetterling"
    Dori A Schmetterling, Dec 6, 2008
  5. Comments4u

    edward ohare Guest

    Agreed to March 27 1999. And you can see here

    that DaimlerChrysler gave up on trying to get Nissan March 10 1999.

    So Schrempp and Co were out of it before Ghosen and Co stepped in.

    And Schrempp got put out to pasture.
    edward ohare, Dec 7, 2008
  6. Comments4u

    edward ohare Guest

    So.... Motor Trend is using the same logic as Rush Limbaugh now? (Who
    blames the Democratic **minority** in congress 1998-2006, Bill
    Clinton, and Jimmy Carter for our current economic woes?)

    Despite the admiration I have for him generally, Iacocca didn't do
    well the last few years. Hanging onto the K platform for one more
    encore as an imitation big car (Dynasty/New Yorker) was a terrible
    edward ohare, Dec 7, 2008
  7. Comments4u

    edward ohare Guest

    OK, then that disproves your point about how Chrysler wanted to be

    Time. As you observe above, they took their money out of Mitsubishi.
    And they sold their share of Diamond-Star. They were pulling out and
    Mercedes got them involved again.

    I ***agree*** a car named "Colt" was sold later. I ***disagree*** the
    car named "Colt" sold after the Omni/Horizon introduction was in the
    same market segment as the Omni/Horizon. See above... "cut out
    Mitsubshi in that size class".

    For example 77 Colt at a 92 inch wheelbase, 78 Horizon at 99 inches.

    Think the Plymouth Champ style Colt. Remember the one with the twin
    stick trans?

    It doesn't make sense that the guys who pulled away, who built their
    own cars and own engines for segments where they previously bought
    from Mitsubishi, and made money doing it, wanted to become mere
    vehicle distributors again.

    You don't know Nissan would have done well under Schrempp. Gee, he
    might have turned all the Nissan cars into wagons and all the
    Infinitis into trucks!

    Somebody's opinion that doesn't match up with the facts I see.

    Uh, Lloyd, that's the point. Decisions to do these things were with
    Mercedes in charge.

    Oh, and the Caliber... I checked a friend's today and the VIN starts
    with a 1, which I've only seen on US assembly of big three cars
    (Toyota, Nissan, etc NA assembly get a 4 first in the VIN) and the
    door decal says manufactured by Daimler Chrysler. So are you sure of
    the origin of this car?
    edward ohare, Dec 7, 2008
  8. Comments4u

    Bill Putney Guest

    Ed - All you have to do to understand the collapse of the
    mortgage/banking industry is trace the history of the Community
    Reinvestment Act (CRA) - started - yes - with Carter, strengthened by
    Clinton, and then the lack of oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
    (you've no-doubt seen the youtube video of those embarrassing hearings
    ("lynchings", etc.), and know of Franklin Raines (Obama campaign
    financial adviser), taking 90 million - $90,000,000.00 - dollars in
    personal bonuses by cooking Fannie Mae's books at critical times to
    trigger said bonuses while he was its CEO?).

    Chrysler's situation aside (you injected the wider politics into your
    post), it is dishonest to deny that very real history and how it was
    more than a butterfly wing flutter that triggered what we are seeing.
    Bill Putney, Dec 7, 2008
  9. Comments4u

    edward ohare Guest

    I maintain that the proximate cause of the current financial housing
    related problems are:

    1) Interest rates that were kep too low
    2) Excess money available due to Fed budget deficits
    edward ohare, Dec 7, 2008
  10. Comments4u

    Bill Putney Guest

    They all were a factor. I think there are idiots that think rules about
    finances are arbitrary and aren't real - and a lot of those idiots are
    in our government. As the saying goes, reality is a bitch. We shall see
    in the not-too-distant future if any lessons have been learned. My fear
    is that the answer to that is 'no'.

    I agree with Rush L. about almost everything. One thing I have always
    disagreed with him on is that there's no need to worry about the deficit
    - he's always maintained that it doesn't mean anything. (well that, and
    I also drink filtered tap water)
    Bill Putney, Dec 8, 2008
  11. Comments4u

    MoPar Man Guest

    How about the Iraq "war" (invasion really).

    I don't think it gets enough blame in the press for this current
    economic meltdown.
    MoPar Man, Dec 8, 2008
  12. Comments4u

    Lloyd Guest

    How? It was the Chrysler folks who argued that DC should invest in
    Mitsu and not Nissan.
    No, it was the Chrysler execs who argued for getting involved with
    Mitsu again.
    Yes. Bigger than Fiesta.
    They felt using Mitsu to develop small-car platforms was what they
    needed. Plus, they felt a presence in Asia was needed. The Mercedes
    folks favored a tie-in with Nissan, but the Chrysler folks favored one
    with Mitsu.
    Some expert's objective opinion. You are hardly either an expert or
    And again, I remind you, it was the Chrysler folks who convinced DC to
    go with Mitsu.
    The platform was developed by Mitsu. It's made in a Chrysler plant.
    Just like the Ford Taurus uses a platform Volvo helped develop, but
    it's made in a Ford plant. It's not a Mitsu car; it uses a Mitsu
    platform. You can really do a little research and find this out.
    Lloyd, Dec 8, 2008
  13. Comments4u

    edward ohare Guest

    I'm sorry to hear that.

    Please consider that many of Rush's views are single solutions to
    single problems that don't consider the other effects of the solution.

    I had a conversation with a former co worker about Rush's proposal
    that Repubs should vote in Dem primaries and vote for Clinton. After
    a few exchanges, I said "Well people who do that must be convinced
    their guy, McCain, is going to lose the general election, so getting
    Clinton as President would in their view be the lesser of two evils".

    Answer was "Oh, no, McCain's going to win". So I said "If that's true
    then Repubs voting in the Dem primariy doesn't matter. So why do
    it?". .

    Well, he had no answer to that. But he went away convinced I was
    wrong without being able to say why.

    What? Those chemicals in unfiltered water don't hurt you! <G>
    edward ohare, Dec 8, 2008
  14. Comments4u

    Steve Guest

    The very first thing I did in order to read your reply was SCROLL TO THE
    BOTTOM and start reading. You could have just as easily posted at the top.

    The rest of your post is pure nonsense trying to impose a presupposition
    of attitude on writers. Its meaningless.
    Steve, Dec 8, 2008
  15. Comments4u

    edward ohare Guest

    Yea, I never did convince my self described radical conservative
    friend that wars aren't good for the economy. He frequently said wars
    are good for the economy.

    Course, his answer to any economic woe was that "we have the most

    Many people are so sick of Bush they don't even want to bother blaming
    him. They just want him gone. Note that his "regret" over the poor
    intelligence that lead to the war in Iraq was a ho hum event. Yet
    you'd think that Bush coming close to admitting error would be big
    news and people would just love to poke at him over it. Yet it was

    I wonder if he's going to pardon himself before he leaves.
    edward ohare, Dec 8, 2008
  16. Comments4u

    Steve Guest

    Well, in corporate finance as well as in the economy, decisions made 20
    years ago DO come to fruition today.
    One of his many mistakes. He did a great job of saving the company. Once
    it was healthy, he should have stepped aside and allowed the engineers
    to create and be competitive again, rather than hanging onto a survive
    on a shoestring mentality.
    Steve, Dec 8, 2008
  17. Comments4u

    edward ohare Guest

    You don't know if I'm an expert, you don't know if I'm objective, and
    regardless I can point out that the opinion doesn't match with facts
    we know.

    There were no "Chrysler folks". The company was being run by Mercedes

    But I'm objective. Give me a cite.

    Since you already know, please enlighten me.
    edward ohare, Dec 8, 2008
  18. Comments4u

    Bill Putney Guest

    The filter is to primarily remove chorine (municipal water). Swimming
    pool water doesn't appeal to me, and probably isn't too healthy.
    Bill Putney, Dec 8, 2008
  19. Comments4u

    Bill Putney Guest

    There has been actual and records of weapons found more recently,
    including that of yellow cake. But you're right - no one wants to hear
    about it.
    Bill Putney, Dec 8, 2008
  20. Comments4u

    zayton Guest

    You read my reply without any idea what I was replying to?

    Where it would have made no sense.
    In order to comprehend the reply you had to know what it was a reply to.
    Even you had to figure out that it was in reply to what you had said.
    Someone else reading my post without having first read yours would have no
    idea what was going on.
    It has nothing to do with attitude.
    It has to do with presenting parts of an ongoing conversation in a
    comprehendable manner.
    Unless, that is, you are concinced tht only your contribution matters.
    Then you may as well snip everything and just post your comment.
    zayton, Dec 9, 2008
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