Mercedes, Not US, To Bail Out Chrysler

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Comments4u, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. Comments4u

    PeterD Guest

    Always someone who doesn't know proper netiquette for Usenet...

    And someone who doesn't understand *WHY* top-posting is so annoying.
    PeterD, Dec 4, 2008
  2. Comments4u

    Larrybud Guest

    The reason to bottom post is that people generally don't read books
    starting at the last page.
    Larrybud, Dec 4, 2008
  3. Comments4u

    Steve Guest

    The reason to top-post is to put the most pertinent and recent elements
    of the discussion in the most convenient location. If any reader needs
    to be refreshed on the previous parts of the discussion, he or she may
    refer to the "footnotes," so to speak, preserved below the current
    discussion topic. This it the model used in the professional realm when
    replying to e-mail cc'd to numerous recipients, which is similar to the
    newsgroup model.

    Actually I don't give a rip either way, its just chit-chat.
    Steve, Dec 4, 2008
  4. Comments4u

    Lloyd Guest

    Actually they had sold all their shares years earlier.
    Well, they started in 1970 and used Mitsu products for what, 20+
    years? Plus the Normal IL factory.
    No they didn't. Colts were sold through 1994, 16 years after the Omni/
    Horizon were introduced.
    There was no hiatus. And the Colt was more the size of the Rabbit and
    Civic and Corolla FX, not the Fiesta. (I owned a Fiesta; it was
    The minivans offered the 3.0 sohc V6 from Mitsu long after Chrysler's
    3.3 V6 was offered in them too. And the 2.5 V6 in Cirrus/Stratus,
    Well, again, from what I read, it was the Chrysler execs who convinced
    Daimler to tie up with Mitsu instead of Nissan.
    Yep. For a while a wagon version of the mid-size was also planned
    instead of the sedan the Avenger became. The idea was Chrysler for
    sedans, Dodge for wagons and hatchbacks.
    Imagine the mid-sizes on the Altima platform instead of a Lancer
    platform. The small on a Sentra instead of a Lancer. The Journey on
    a Murano platform instead of, you guess it, a Lancer.
    Did you READ the Business Week quote?
    Except for the Sebring, Avenger, Caliber, Compass, Patriot, Journey --
    all on Mitsu platforms.
    Lloyd, Dec 4, 2008
  5. Comments4u

    Bill Putney Guest

    Let's go with your book analogy (usenet is not a book BTW, but let's
    pretend it is and go with it): Why would you want to read the entire
    book from the beginning each time you pick it up to read the next chapter?
    Bill Putney, Dec 4, 2008
  6. Comments4u

    edward ohare Guest

    Don't think so, but I could be wrong.

    I didn't say they intended to ruin Chrysler. I'm only observing they

    They were in charge. You'd perhaps like to blame, oh, Lynn Townsend
    or someone like that?
    edward ohare, Dec 5, 2008
  7. Comments4u

    Richard Cole Guest


    If your reading several books at once (to continue your book analogy) you
    may not be able to remember what just happened to whom and where.

    For caravanning tips and information visit
    Richard Cole, Dec 5, 2008
  8. Comments4u

    Lloyd Guest

    As Motor Trend points out this month, blame Iacocca for putting Eaton
    up as his successor instead of Lutz. Also I'd say blame Eaton for
    being the worst negotiator since the Indians sold Manhattan. Blame
    Americans who dumped their DC stock, instead of holding onto it and
    using it to influence the new company.
    Lloyd, Dec 5, 2008
  9. Comments4u

    zayton Guest

    Oh, right, Sorry!

    It reverses the logical order of a conversation.

    Why is it confusing?

    It's confusing.

    Why not?

    You really shouldn't top-post.
    zayton, Dec 5, 2008
  10. Dori A Schmetterling, Dec 5, 2008
  11. I am. What did I miss?


    To send an e-mail directly replace "spam" with "schmetterling"
    Dori A Schmetterling, Dec 5, 2008
  12. I think you and other bottom-posters hark back to another era, the dawn of
    the internet and usenet...

    I understand that some people still look at usenet groups in certain ways
    which makes it easier to follow a thread if bottom-posting is applied. I
    have actually seen this myself.

    However, many of us now use, for example, Outlook Express, for usenet, where
    top-posting is preferable.

    So, I am afraid, I (and, I think, quite a few other people) see no reason
    why we should bottom-post.

    The best approach is mutual tolerance. Why get angry over such a trivial
    thing? Why not get angry with those people with all those people who don't
    snip, forcing one to scroll though loads of unimportant stuff?

    Move on to more important things


    To send an e-mail directly replace "spam" with "schmetterling"
    Dori A Schmetterling, Dec 5, 2008
  13. ...... the three Yorkshire men vis a vis who has the slowest Diesel. To wit

    when discussing their hard times when young, while drinking Chateua le
    Chateaulai (or some such thing): 'now we had it tough, lived in the bottom
    of a lake, got up half hour before we went to bed and our father would slash
    into us with breadknifes if....) you get the drift. Reminiscent of the
    diesel of old discussion and how slow they were... :)

    I guess it's just me.... I seem to associate a lot with the Python group.


    Guenter Scholz, Dec 5, 2008
  14. Comments4u

    Bill Putney Guest which case, then you scroll down to refresh your memory, and then
    back up to get the status of the present. That's how business email
    communication is done almost universally, and for a good reason.
    Bill Putney, Dec 6, 2008
  15. Comments4u

    MoPar Man Guest

    Selective and EFFICIENT quoting, and BOTTOM POSTING (or in-line quoting
    when useful) is the defacto correct and original method when
    constructing usenet posts.

    Top-posting has become the norm for constructing e-mail replies (thanks
    to the default settings for Micro$haft Outlook and Outlook Express) and
    unfortunately many people either use that software (or carry on it's
    methods) when constructing usenet replies.

    Unfortunately, many people full-quote, needlessly dragging along the
    entire past history of the thread into their reply. That is wrong.

    I have a 21" monitor, with a 1600 x 1200 pixel resolution. In other
    words, I have a lot of on-screen real estate to display usenet posts.
    If I bring up a post, and see nothing but quoted material in the message
    pane, I will almost always skip the post instead of dragging the scroll
    bar down to bring new material into view.

    If the respondant hasn't trimmed his post by keeping only relavent
    quoted material, then he isin't worth my time to read what-ever he did
    add to the thread in question.
    MoPar Man, Dec 6, 2008
  16. I know this scene - saw it not that long ago on YouTube (my 11-yr-old loves
    Monty Python) but I didn't make the connection with reminiscing about old
    diesels (mine was slower than yours / I suffered more than you did...)


    To send an e-mail directly replace "spam" with "schmetterling"
    Dori A Schmetterling, Dec 6, 2008
  17. I think that sums it up. See your last para below.

    It underlines my point made elsewhere here, that the old 'netiquette' has
    been superseded by what clients people are using, so there is no point in
    opposing the tide. Bend with the wind, to mix my metaphors..


    To send an e-mail directly replace "spam" with "schmetterling"
    Dori A Schmetterling, Dec 6, 2008
  18. Comments4u

    MoPar Man Guest

    If you had properly constructed your reply, you would not have had to
    say "see your last para below".
    That is no excuse for you to NOT construct your replies properly,
    especially if you know the difference.
    Or just be lazy...
    MoPar Man, Dec 6, 2008
  19. Comments4u

    zayton Guest

    I'll try a less polite way, then.

    Moving your reply, above to its present position below mine allows it to be
    read as as part of a conversation.

    Top posters have no interest in entering into a conversation, only in firing
    off essays, witty one liners, etc. which are intended to stand on their own
    rather than contributing to a conversation with other posters.

    Top posters are revealing that they have no respect for others
    contributions, they assume that their brilliance simply replaces everything
    that has been said before , and that readers will not profit by knowing what
    they are replying to..
    zayton, Dec 6, 2008
  20. Comments4u

    MoPar Man Guest

    And you, being a full-quoter, are also showing no respect for the reader
    by not properly quoting specific material to which you are replying to.

    There was no need for you to include 3 pages of quoted material as the
    "introduction" or prologue to the 4 sentences that was your lateast
    contribution to this thread. It is a waste of my time to scroll down
    all that material to see just what it is that you are about to say.

    If you are a full-quoter, then it really doesn't matter if you top-post
    or bottom-post your new material. You are posting out-of-context just
    the same - and showing the reader the same degree of courtesy or respect
    in either case.
    MoPar Man, Dec 6, 2008
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