Mercedes does have electrical problems

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by who, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. who

    who Guest

    I'm sure most have noticed the very low rating given to Mercedes
    recently, because of electrical problems. Like most people I took that
    rating lightly, until a few days ago.
    As I was entering the street from a small mall in the center of our
    city, I noticed flames behind me streaking about 20 ft above a vehicle.
    On returning to watch the action I found out it was a Mercedes SUV that
    had it's passenger compartment become a burned out box in a few minutes.

    I heard the watching owner say a fire suddenly started under the
    instrument compartment. He just had time to pull over into a left turn
    lane and hop out. Luckily the fire house was only a block away and they
    had it out in 15 minutes. The engine compartment was OK and fortunately
    the vehicle it didn't blow up in the area with many walking people.

    I've never experienced or heard of such a situation before. How
    fortunate he wasn't going over a long bridge or worse through a long

    Yes CR you were on to something very bad about Mercedes vehicles.
    who, Dec 2, 2008
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