Making carmakers use standard filters

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by RapidRonnie, Jun 4, 2006.

  1. RapidRonnie

    RapidRonnie Guest

    The number of different filters in use is huge and it grows each year.
    Unless manufacturers can prove a need to generate new ones, why
    shouldn't they be required to design around the common types already
    RapidRonnie, Jun 4, 2006
  2. RapidRonnie

    NewMan Guest

    /rant on

    Can you imagine the screaming about it? Even when the government
    legislates safety standards required, they DO NOT tell the auto makers
    how to go about it. All that is required is that standards are met.

    I know what you are saying, and I think what the auto makers do is a
    joke too. However, it all had to do with a "me", "MINE" mentality.
    Just look at SONY. Sony really believes in their motto "THE ONE AND
    ONLY". So much so that they LOST the VCR wars. VHS was inferior but
    "free", and Beta was SONY "proprietary" and cost money. We know where
    that went. Apple makes a better computer, but also adopted the "apple
    only" mentality, and - quite frankly - I am surprized they are still
    in business. IBM and Micro$haft have pounded the crap out of them.

    And then we come to a car. The car seems to be the direct opposite!
    EVERYTHING on a car is "proprietary" to start with. The more
    profitable items do eventually appear in the after-market, but in
    general, a lot of stuff is "dealer only".

    To the filter thing, well, they want to make profit. What better way
    than to have a captive audience??? Remember when the imports first
    came here to North America??? I do. The after market had not pricked
    up on the parts yet. So even an air filter was "dealer only". When you
    could get a HUGE filter for a 455 V8 from the corner store for $1.99
    (or less) these teeeny winie bizarrre shaped filters were going at the
    dealers for $15 a pop or even more! AND PEOPLE PAID IT! (Idiots). My
    dad's GM truck needed an regulator, $4.50. My mom's Volkswagen needed
    one about the same time - $35!!!

    By always making something just a little bit different - even in the
    same product line and varience from year to year, then obsolescense is
    PLANNED into your car. With the ammount of money a car costs, this is
    GOLD IN THE MINE. Eventually, parts will be hard to find for you car,
    the after market will shrink, and the pragmatic person will be forced
    to get at least a newer one - if not a spanking new one, and the auto
    makers know this.

    What ticks me off about it is, look at the damn WASTE as a result!
    Every time a new car comes out, a huge chunk of it is spent
    re-tweaking the same old design, re-hashing things that should be
    standardized once and for all, and left alone. The WASTED productivity
    is staggering. TIme that could be spent designing things that are
    truly NEW that could improve safety or efficiency or make a REAL
    difference to things is wasted while someone redesigns an air filter
    to fit the latest "cram as much as you can under the hood" model.

    The other reason the industry does NOT want standardization is they
    don't want competition! Think of it! If there were, say, 6 different
    air filters, all in standard sizes and shapes, the design was
    standardized, and they all had to use one of them, then LOTS of
    companies could enter that market, and make them better and cheaper!
    If there were only 6 different kinds, then tooling would be paid for
    ONCE, and then no more re-tooling of the manufacturing lines!
    Distributors would not have to stock 10,000 different kinds! They
    could put other things on the shelf for us to buy! It would eliminate
    several layers of perrenial waste, reduce costs to the consumer,
    increase benefis for the parts dealers, and reduce the auto makers
    profits. This last one is the reason it will never happen.

    What the auto makers fail to realize is that if they would standardize
    on the common stuff, then they could focus on making their vehicles
    more distinctive in ways that count, not distinctive because they
    manages to piss of their customer because he or she had to go to the
    dealer for a "dealer only" air filter.

    Unfortunately, there is no law against waste, and pissing off
    customers. As long as profit is the sole motivation of industry, then
    we are doomed to accept waste year after year - as long as industry
    can make a buck at it,

    /rant off
    NewMan, Jun 4, 2006
  3. We are talking about an air filter here. All the common vehicle models have
    air filters readily available in the aftermarket from multiple vendors.
    Totally inapplicable. Air filters are readily available on the aftermarket.
    That was then, this is now.
    The aftermarket lives on parts that are rebuildable, parts that are easy to
    copy, and parts that are higher wear items. It always has.
    It is the customers driving that, not the automakers. If the automakers
    could design a car shaped like a brick and make it for 20 years with
    no changes, and sales would hold up on it, they would do it in a heartbeat.
    Volkswagen did it with the VW bug when they got a chance. There
    are other models out there like that.
    No they woudn't. Air filters are such a high volume now that just
    increasing production volume isn't going to affect their wholesale
    price that much, the companies making them are already operating
    pretty far along the curve.
    This is stupid. If you really feel this way then just remove your air
    filter, and re-duct your engine air intake to your own design of
    airbox that uses a "cheaper and better" filter. In fact, if you want
    to save even more money, then use a bigger air filter. If you use
    for example an air filter with twice as much surface area it will
    probably last 3 times longer. And you could make a custom
    airbox out of sheet metal and a pop rivet tool in a short time.
    ways that count to you.
    because he or she was too lazy to use a substitute air filter.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jun 5, 2006
  4. RapidRonnie

    Joe Guest

    By whom? You think the government hasn't got enough to do without policing
    Joe, Jun 9, 2006
  5. RapidRonnie

    Guest Guest

    Yes too bad, my beta Sony is still better than the two VHS units I've
    bought more recently.
    Apple's computer and OS X are even better than ever and Apple is at an
    all time high. In the mod 90s Apple's very poor management almost sunk
    Apple, but better management and steadily improving technology are
    providing Apple significant growth. Apple certainly isn't close to M$ in
    size, but it is a mid Fortune 500 company.
    Apple's recent Intel CPU computers give the flexibility to run Windoz
    native applications efficiently as well.
    Apple is like Mercedes and other quality cars, superior product at a
    lower volume, appreciated by those who want something better than run of
    the mill.
    By the way IBM is pretty well out of the PC business, having sold it off
    to a Chinese company. IBM isn't even providing CPUs to Apple anymore,
    with Apple's move to the Intel CPU.
    Guest, Jun 11, 2006
  6. RapidRonnie

    flobert Guest

    With a modern merc, you get the beauty of knowing you're a cut above
    the rest, and the chance to show it off as you're stuck on the
    roadside, waiting for the tow-truck AGAIN.

    Prime example of recent attention to detail in modern mercs - look at
    the back of an 8-ish year old s-class. $70+k to buy, and the plastic
    between the reversing lights has turned pink in the sun. Says it all
    flobert, Jun 11, 2006
  7. Comparing Apple with Wintel is hardly comparing like with like. If
    Microsoft enforced an MS-software-only policy then there would be no crashes
    and problems.

    Anyway, MS owns a chunk of Apple nowadays, does it not?


    For direct contact replace nospam with schmetterling
    Dori A Schmetterling, Jun 11, 2006
  8. RapidRonnie

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Ha, ha, ha... That is funny!

    Matt Whiting, Jun 11, 2006
  9. All right then, far fewer crashes and problems.

    You're a tad 'blindly biased', methinks?


    For direct contact replace nospam with schmetterling
    Dori A Schmetterling, Jun 14, 2006
  10. RapidRonnie

    Matt Whiting Guest

    No, just wrote software for a decade or so and have a read a little
    about Microsofts software development practices. The build and test
    every night to try to find the bugs vs. actually designing and coding to
    a spec is simply never going to produce anything approaching reliable

    So, yes, I'm biased, but based on clear sight, not blindness.

    Matt Whiting, Jun 14, 2006
  11. RapidRonnie

    Guest Guest

    Apple doesn't restrict MacOS SW APPS to Apple only, but why would that
    improve the MS OS?

    Apple actually makes much of it's OS design public, even allowing the
    Darwin OS X core to be downloaded by anyone.

    MS keeps much of their OS design secret, frustrating those who want to
    create APPs for it.
    This was a significant part of the long running legal action against MS.
    If they do, the investment world isn't aware of it.
    MS would be wise to own a chunk of Apple, considering how they get so
    many ideas from Apple.
    Guest, Jun 16, 2006
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