Making an armored chrysler

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Adam Ben Nalois, Dec 14, 2003.

  1. Fearing the end of the world and chaos and anarchy coming soon, I want
    to create an armored car.

    What should I do to make an armored car , should be bullet-proof and
    anti-radiation etc.
    Adam Ben Nalois, Dec 14, 2003
  2. Adam Ben Nalois

    Art Begun Guest

    Park it in an armored garage.
    Art Begun, Dec 14, 2003
  3. No! Wait!

    He could hijack a Jeep Cherokee, drive to Carlsbad Caverns with a load of
    explosives and go down 1500' in the elevator.

    Well, it worked in my head.....

    Richard Smith, Dec 14, 2003
  4. Adam Ben Nalois

    Irwin Opper Guest

    Make it fool- proof.

    Irwin Opper, Dec 14, 2003
  5. Adam Ben Nalois

    Mike Hall Guest

    If it was fool-proof, Adam wouldn't be able to drive it..
    Mike Hall, Dec 14, 2003
  6. Adam Ben Nalois

    MoPar Man Guest

    Chrysler has already done that. It's the next version of the 300
    (called the 300C). It will be available at some point during the
    first half of next year.

    They've already heard your request about occupant security (the
    Germans have been paying attention to the perpetual high state of
    insecurity in the US). They've raised the belt-line of the car and
    reduced the glass area as one example to give the occupants at least
    the feeling of security (this is no joke - they've admitted that much
    as the rational for the design).
    MoPar Man, Dec 14, 2003
  7. Adam Ben Nalois

    Denny Guest

    I'd wait for ole Nomen to reply with some real-world wisdom.

    Denny, Dec 14, 2003
  8. Just make it BUTT UGLY and it will SCARE the bullets and radiation
    away, OR go buy a Pontiac AZTEC.
    Richard Benner Jr, Dec 14, 2003
  9. Adam Ben Nalois

    mic canic Guest

    bury it
    mic canic, Dec 14, 2003
  10. Adam Ben Nalois

    Dave Gower Guest

    None of the above. Just follow the advice given in the 50s for dealing with
    a nuclear attack: sit down, bent over, put your head between your legs and
    your hands behind your head ... and kiss your ass goodbye.
    Dave Gower, Dec 15, 2003
  11. Take about $500,000 and the car to a company that does this for a living.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Dec 15, 2003
  12. Just take your car and park it in one of the many government bunkers.
    Voila, your car is pretty much everything proof.
    Alex Rodriguez, Dec 15, 2003
  13. Adam Ben Nalois

    Joe Blow Guest

    It's easy and cheap this time of year. Collect all the unwanted fruit
    cakes and pile them up around the car. NOTHING can get through that
    impenetrable barrier.
    Joe Blow, Dec 16, 2003
  14. Buy that 64 Imperial listed above. Your pretty much set other than add the
    bullet proof glass.
    Jimmy Da Greek, Dec 19, 2003
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