Major Oil Leak 89 Chrysler New Yorker

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by glee, Nov 10, 2005.

  1. glee

    glee Guest

    I had my oil changed at Walmart and they would not do it because they
    said there was an oil leak and they could not tell where it was coming
    from.. Went to Pep Boys and they did the oil change and told me I did
    have a oil leak as well but to check it often.. I drove from Georgia to
    California and only used about 3 quarts. Yesterday, Low oil pressure
    light comes on.. No oil at all showing on stick... I put in 3 quarts...
    I start driving and while smoke is blowing out the back from oil
    getting on engine.. It does not blow more smoke if I hit the gas..
    Anyway, to go 50 miles I had to use about 6 quarts.. Any ideas for
    where to start? Like I said, no signs from looking down from the top..
    Of course under it is coming out from the right side... any help would
    be great..

    glee, Nov 10, 2005
  2. glee

    kmatheson Guest

    What engine do you have? The 3.0 V6 can have leakage problems from the
    valve cover gaskets, as well as other locations. Early models also had
    the problem of leaking valve guide oil seals.

    I have a 2.5, that once developed a leak in the camshaft oil seal on
    the timing belt side. It was hard to track down, but leaked quite a bit
    until I had it replaced.

    -Kirk Matheson
    kmatheson, Nov 10, 2005
  3. glee

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Suggestion: Stop driving it immediately till you get this fixed.
    Bob Shuman, Nov 10, 2005
  4. glee

    eldred30 Guest

    Earlier this year, my 89 Dodge Grand Caravan with the 3.0L engine
    developed a large oil leak over a short period of time (a few weeks).
    You could see it leaking with the engine running on the right
    (passenger) side. It turned out to be the seal on the crank. Since this
    seal is part of the oil pump assembly, I had them replace the entire
    pump because the engine had over 200,000 miles on it. The new pump cost
    a little over $100 at NAPA and the labor to replace it was about 4

    eldred30, Nov 10, 2005
  5. glee

    glee Guest

    The engine is a3.0 V6. I did not drive it without oil as to not blow
    the engine. Anyway, I took it in to Auto Tech 2000, and they did a
    power wash.. They said someone had put JB Powerweld around the bolt,
    but it was not leaking from there.. So, Walmart who does all my oil
    changes must of of cracked it, patched it, and somehow forgot to tell
    me.. Anyway, that was not the problem. After the power wash, they said
    it was leaking from the oil pan gasket. $166 to replace a $15 ($10 at
    Napa Part) and the rest was labor.. Then they took it for a test
    drive.. Now it's the crank case that was leaking.. So they said I
    should replace the water pump and timing kit as well while they are in
    there.. Total cost now $775
    I feel they should have found the oil leak before the test drive.. That
    is why they did the power washing. Does this sound right to anyone.. I
    have surgery being done on me on Wednesday, and I will get it back on
    Monday. I'm in a small city, so my choices are limited. Thanks for
    any help.
    glee, Nov 12, 2005
  6. glee

    maxpower Guest

    All you need to do is having perform an oil leak dye test on this vehicle to
    determine all the oil leaks at one time. It is a sure fire way of locating
    Oil leaks are common from the valve cover gaskets, camshaft seals and plugs
    and the head gaskets. Not to say the valve guide dropping and causing the
    engine to smoke bad at idle.
    If you have smoke from idle and plan on keeping this vehicle you may as well
    have the heads removed and repaired.
    My opinion

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Nov 12, 2005
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