Low volume on this NG

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by KirkM, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. KirkM

    KirkM Guest

    Does anyone know what has happened to this newsgroup? I have been on
    it for close to 15 years, and the volume has really dropped recently.

    Is there another forum that is being used now? There were some really
    good contributors that I have not seen hear for some time.

    KirkM, Sep 19, 2010
  2. KirkM

    Steve Newman Guest

    Usenet is dying because ISPs keep dropping usenet service. For example, Cox
    Communications (my provider) dropped USENET this summer. I would suspect
    most young people don't relate to it because it's "old fasioned" and the
    ISPs cater more towards them than the older folks, so they can save money by
    dropping the service.
    Steve Newman, Sep 19, 2010
  3. Plus, when you go to the groups day after day, and all you see is spam
    crap, like buy purses cheap, you quit going.
    Pete E. Kruzer, Sep 19, 2010
  4. KirkM

    rob Guest

    they are all "bloggers"

    rob, Sep 20, 2010
  5. KirkM

    MoPar Man Guest

    I would have thought that at least in this group (if not others) that
    the drop would be caused because people in certain age demographics have
    something better to do during the summer than read or post to usenet.

    People that have problems with their (ugh) minivan (or other chrysler
    vehicle) are usually motivated to find and post to this newsgroup. So
    either there are fewer problems with chrysler products, or people with
    problems are really not taking the time to find a way to post here.

    The regular chit-chat pertaining to chrysler is down, probably because
    there is basically nothing noteworthy happening with the company. No
    new cars, no new corporate news, etc.

    There are plenty of text-only newsgroup servers. Perhaps most people
    really are brain dead and can't figure that out.

    ISP's drop usenet for liability and legal reasons, not cost reasons.
    They don't want to risk being taken to court or being seen as operating
    a server hosting copyright-infringing or liable/defamation or obscene or
    illegal or emotionally troubling or hate material.

    Usenet is enjoying some revived popularity in as far as the paid binary
    servers are hosting giga-bytes of copyrighted material available for
    downloading (movies, music, etc).
    It's sad that you haven't figured out or discovered that the free
    servers (like the one I use - AIOE.org) operate various spam-detecting
    features (cleanfeed, noceum) such that I almost never see any usenet
    spam postings in the groups I read.

    I see that you're a "google-grouper", and hence there is basically no
    respect for people like you by some usenet veterans who look down on you
    and the method you use to access usenet (google groups). Some of them
    go to such lengths as kill-filing any posts made through google, on the
    assumption that the posts will be spam or will otherwise be of such
    little value as to be ignor-able.

    Google does not seem to operate any spam filter, and they archive every
    spam posting and sporge flood that comes their way.

    You are advised to start using a real usenet client and connect to a
    real usenet server. I recommend news.aioe.org.
    MoPar Man, Sep 20, 2010
  6. KirkM

    DAS Guest

    Bit of an extreme reply...especially at the end.

    Usenet in this form is dying. I see it in my other groups.

    My ISP dropped usenet (without warning, I might add) end of July. They had
    been using Giganews. I switched to Eternal September but it makes no
    difference to the volumes, obviously.

    DAS, Sep 20, 2010
  7. KirkM

    KirkM Guest

    As mentioned by some others, my ISP does not provide a usenet server
    either, so that is why I starting using Google. Whick usenet client
    would you recommend for Windows?

    KirkM, Sep 24, 2010
  8. KirkM

    Steve Newman Guest

    Although others scoff at it, I've always used Outlook Express. When Cox
    dropped newsgroups I simply
    changed servers to: news.eternal-september.org It's free for text and
    more than meets my simple needs.
    Steve Newman, Sep 24, 2010
  9. KirkM

    MoPar Man Guest

    KirkM unnecessarily full-quoted:
    Most email programs (like outlook express) can also read and post
    messages to usenet.

    You should start by reading this:


    But the short answer to your question is:

    - Forté Agent
    - Outlook Express
    - Opera Mail
    - Mozilla Thunderbird
    - SeaMonkey Mail & Newsgroups

    Most windows users use Outlook Express, since it's usually already
    installed on most windows systems (possibly not Seven or Vista).

    If you don't like OE or don't have it, the next best candidate is
    probably Thunderbird or Seamonkey.



    But note that Opera and Forte Agent is also somewhat popular.
    MoPar Man, Sep 24, 2010
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