low fuel chime

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by fred, Oct 1, 2003.

  1. fred

    fred Guest

    hey guys , a couple of days ago , the low fuel chime started sounding
    when the tank was full , why would this be. i noticed yesterday that
    when the van comes to a stop it does it and when we take off. i have a
    98 plymouth voyager, 3.3, any ideas would be great before i take it in
    to the dealer. thanks fred
    fred, Oct 1, 2003
  2. When the fuel level sending unit goes bad, it'll cause the low fuel chime to
    go off. But usually, the fuel level indicator will also wander up and down
    the gauge. There are other reasons the chime will go off, like leaving the
    turn signal on for more than a minute or a door not closed all the way????
    David J. Allen, Oct 1, 2003
  3. fred

    SRG Guest

    It might not be your low fuel chime, in my case it was a low fluid level in
    the master brake reservoir. Every time I took off a little quickly I would
    hear a chime and then look down at the dash to see no light at all. It was
    only after I found a deserted area (no traffic) where I could take off while
    looking at the dash, that I saw the "brake" light come on....for about a
    half of a second.

    The front brake pads had worn and the reservoir was a little low, but only
    when I accelerated and the fluid would be pushed back in the master cylinder
    would the chime sound, and only once at a time. While the car was sitting,
    the fluid, while lower than normal, was still safe.

    A little bit of brake fluid immediately cured the problem, and of course,
    doing the front brake pads was needed.

    SRG, Oct 1, 2003
  4. fred

    Dan Gates Guest

    Did the low fuel light come on too? Does it have one?

    I know that my door open when driving chime sounds the same as my low
    fuel chime, as does my hand-brake on chime. (2003 SX 2.0 -- Canadian Neon).

    Dan Gates, Oct 1, 2003
  5. fred

    Ken Stoorza Guest

    This happened on the '96 T&C. The fuel gage needle would swing down to "E"
    and when it went through about 1/8 of a tank, the bing binged.

    Assuming it was the sender: this is embedded in the fuel tank. It didn't
    seem like a job I wanted to tackle so I did what I usually do in such
    circumstances: I procrastinate.

    After a few weeks of this (and my wife complaining about the incessant
    binging), it stopped. Then, it stayed stopped. That was about four years

    My advice: procrastinate. What have you got to loose?

    On a related matter: I am neither for nor against apathy.


    Ken Stoorza, Oct 3, 2003
  6. fred

    fred Guest

    well later that day it did stop and hasnt happened since, the gauge
    was going up and down and chiming quite frequently,thanks for all the
    answers guys
    fred, Oct 7, 2003
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