Losing control of the fuel efficiency debate

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Nomen Nescio, Nov 22, 2007.

  1. Nomen Nescio

    mack Guest

    There comes a time when increasing gas mileage is a losing game, and becomes
    impossible. I realize fully that mfr.s have made enormous strides (I used
    to get 10 miles per gallon from a Pontiac convertible I had in college, when
    gas was about 30c,) but there is a point where mileage can't be increased,
    and demanding that it be increased is like demanding that they sew buttons
    on zephyrs of wind.
    mack, Nov 22, 2007
  2. Nomen Nescio

    Pete C. Guest

    Nothing of value will ever be accomplished until the public gets some
    education and understands the difference between "Efficiency" and

    Miles Per Gallon is a measure of economy, not a measure of efficiency
    and a vehicle that has a lower MPG number can readily be much more
    efficient than a vehicle with a higher MPG number.
    Pete C., Nov 22, 2007
  3. Nomen Nescio

    Pete C. Guest

    The Iphone is a rather bad example since there most certainly were
    devices that do *everything* an Iphone can do years before the Iphone
    came out. Of course they were not produced / marketed by the great Apple
    so to the great Apple's loyal minions they didn't exist.
    Pete C., Nov 22, 2007
  4. Nomen Nescio

    Pete C. Guest

    I guess you live in a different US than I do. Bush and Co. are total
    morons (as are all our current potential replacements), but during the
    past half dozen years:

    My fuel costs have decreased
    My salary and bonuses have increased substantially
    My health insurance coverage has remained good and the cost has been
    relatively stable.

    I don't really expect to ever be able to retire, but that is not a huge
    concern since I expect to drop dead at about 70 anyway.

    While I don't have any grandchildren to worry about, the claimed
    "massive war debts" are no bigger than any of our previous wars which we
    recovered from financially just fine while also covering the costs of
    rebuilding the countries we blew up and/or defended.

    I'd also be a lot more concerned with protecting my grandchildren from
    some insane theocracy (of any persuasion) than some mythical "war debt",
    since it's abundantly clear from all the examples around the world that
    Theocracy = Poverty for the masses.
    Pete C., Nov 22, 2007
  5. Nomen Nescio

    F.H. Guest

    So does corporatism which is what the Bush gang is *really* all about.
    The church leaders and their sheeple will be (already started) kicked to
    the curb like a one night stand when the corporate boys have the power
    they are after. Follow the money.
    F.H., Nov 22, 2007
  6. Nomen Nescio

    MoPar Man Guest

    Problem #1: Too many people

    Problem #2: How to increase fuel economy going forward:

    Intelligent traffic light systems that know how many cars are passing
    through their intersection and relay that information to neighboring
    traffic lights for them to decide how to manage their own
    intersection. They learn traffic patterns for their own intersection
    over time, and can adjust immediately for drastic changes caused by
    construction or accidents.

    Instead we have urban traffic management systems based on 1920's
    technology and ideology. Big deal that we have LED traffic lights.

    (I had to strip a newsgroup from this post, so I chose to strip the
    ford group)
    MoPar Man, Nov 22, 2007
  7. And they have to WANT to get better mileage. The CAFE can be increased
    tomorrow by using smaller engines, building smaller cars, but the buyers
    still want the performance of the 200+ hp sedan.

    We can save oil by eliminating the Sunday drive, cruise ships, pleasure
    boats, snowmobiles, vacations, etc. It does not matter how much we gripe,
    as long as we continue to buy the same vehicles and willingly pay $3.50 a
    gallon, we are sending a message.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Nov 23, 2007
  8. Nomen Nescio

    HLS Guest

    Very true, Ed. We are trying to reduce the total consumption of petroleum
    because we are on a collision course with depleting American oil reserves.
    HLS, Nov 23, 2007
  9. We should be reducing consumption because our money is funding corruption
    and terrorism in Saudi Arabia, the country we should have invaded.
    JoeSpareBedroom, Nov 23, 2007
  10. Nomen Nescio

    Deke Guest

    Deke, Nov 23, 2007
  11. Nomen Nescio

    Deke Guest

    WOW, good job! Witfall went silent on that one!
    I'm ready for anyone who will take the republiturds out of office.
    Deke, Nov 23, 2007

  12. Part of any politician's challenge surrounding this issue is that there are
    very few solutions left. The best solutions cause a kneejerk reaction among
    the stupidest members of the population.

    Example: No more federal funding for widening or maintaining urban highways
    unless mass transportation has been developed as far as possible in a
    particular city. Some cities haven't even tried. Or, to put it another way:
    Sorry, folks, but you need to consider taking a train of a bus, even if it
    means you have to sit next to..you know...those kinds of people. The ones
    who clean hotel rooms and wash dishes in restaurants. The ones you'd rather
    not have to see.
    JoeSpareBedroom, Nov 23, 2007
  13. Nomen Nescio

    Deke Guest

    How about improving the technology for getting the thick, dirty oil out of
    the ground in Oklahoma and Texas?
    Half of the oil ever there is still there, because it takes to much effort
    to get it out of the ground. And its full of sulphur.
    Improving the MPG of vehicles is only half the battle.
    And if the Iraq war WAS all about oil (which I believe it was),
    then those oil reserves will be sunk into industry, and the military forces
    protecting the oil fields, shipping lanes, pumping stations, etc etc etc.
    I think John Q Public is going to pay out the ying yang for gas, and will be
    driving the 4 wheel equivalent of a motor scooter in the near future. Gas
    at $20 a gallon sounds about right, what with the dollar in freefall and
    all. Good job BushCo!
    Deke, Nov 23, 2007
  14. Scott in Florida, Nov 23, 2007

    Now that will solve the problem......
    Scott in Florida, Nov 23, 2007
  16. Elect Hillary.

    She wants the government that can't take care of people that can't take care
    of themselves to take care of everyone....LOL
    Scott in Florida, Nov 23, 2007

  17. We're already being "taken care of". $3.29 a gallon yesterday.
    JoeSpareBedroom, Nov 23, 2007
  18. Nomen Nescio

    F.H. Guest

    She has you fooled. She is simply Corporate Mild. Same road, same
    destination, little slower speed and less mayhem along the way.
    F.H., Nov 23, 2007
  19. Nomen Nescio

    witfal Guest

    I can afford gas for a boat. I used to own a Triton, so the first
    thing I thought of was towing with an underpowered truck.

    Not gonna happen.
    witfal, Nov 23, 2007
  20. Nomen Nescio

    witfal Guest

    You're getting off easy. $3.69.
    witfal, Nov 23, 2007
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