Looking for a new mini-van

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ng_reader, Oct 15, 2007.

  1. ng_reader

    ng_reader Guest

    I've posted here before and I appreciate the results. The problems I have
    had are worse, and because the dealer could not duplicate them once the car
    has "warmed up", they've never been addressed.

    The electric door doesn't open automatically in cold weather. And the rack,
    which was replaced before, is acting up again.Same old same old.

    Two questions:

    Has quality gone up or down since my 1996 and 2001 Chrysler minivans? It
    seemed to me the 2001 was worse than the 1996.

    And the 2nd question

    Did Chrysler.com use the free services of the local Chadsey high school to
    design their web page for the new 2008 mini-van? The 360 degree view is
    completely amateur.

    No offense, Chadsey high school.
    ng_reader, Oct 15, 2007
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